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AuthorA few changes in the game I just noticed
Now we can't see recruiting of any lord or lady. :(
Forum Rules have changed.

Previously -

5.2. A moderator can be wrong. If you suspect he or she is, c.f. par.1.5.
5.3. A moderator must be impartial.
5.4. Moderators are allowed to estimate the actions of other moderators, of an administrator, or to discuss their decisions exceptionally through private correspondence with them, on the special hidden forum, or directly with the game Administration.

Now -

5.2. Moderators must be impartial. A moderator can be wrong. If you suspect he or she is, ref. par.1.5.
5.3. Moderators are allowed to estimate the actions of other moderators, of an administrator, or to discuss their decisions exceptionally through private correspondence with them, on the special hidden forum, or directly with the game Administration.
5.4. Flashmobs (ref. par.4.3.) directed at criticizing official clan members' actions are punished severely, beginning with 1 month ban up to blocking the character without a chance of being unblocked.

Now it is possible to be blocked under forum rules.

New rare set artifacts :)

Wow, how many interesting events must have been on .ru.
I hope we'll get a chance to play some of them :)
Wow, how many interesting events must have been on .ru.
I hope we'll get a chance to play some of them :)

They are all already done in .ru - there is no way to repeat them.
New rare set artifacts :)

but can anyone view the characteristics of new art(any one)
Some of Tribals units information are added:
I'm getting 2 different hunt at the same time for me to choose. Something new?
for Lisbon: No ..it is a HG bonus.
Rafezo - Thanks
Hey what bout recruiters set. Any idea how it works...
They are all already done in .ru - there is no way to repeat them.

Yes it is. I'm sure there will be a story behind the merge. What happened in one continent (.ru) can happen here as well. And maybe we'll lose some and we'll be forced to sail away ;)
I haven't seen this before:


There is a reference for AeD forum and other for Hwm daily.
recruiters set

here is the link:

here is the link:

sorry misclick, here is the link:


invite 5 players and after they all reach lvl 6, you will get a recruiter set art
invite 5 players and after they all reach lvl 6, you will get a recruiter set art

I have already invited 5 players, who reached lvl6 or above. What do you think, will I get the art and the diamonds ever?
for Hedvig:
Nope, i think.
There is a smoking vulcano at Seraphs Tears.

I am pretty sure that it was not there this morning. this morning the map looks like u can see here:


or am i wrong???


Yes i think its new
if our map would be removed at merge, so all of us had to play on the russian map.
Why would they bother adding new stuff on our map?
So this means there is a fair chance we keep our map?
Prepare yourself! Something gonna happen I think :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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