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Topic Date
Author Last message
Gift Vault12.24, 11:2474Lord HeartBreakkid12.25, 03:47, by Lord HeartBreakkid
Faster health regeneration12.24, 22:473diversecity12.24, 22:49, by diversecity
what happening this christmas??12.19, 02:5966carlos88812.24, 06:50, by Skunder
Types of conspirator quests12.23, 03:1824elenthil12.23, 23:48, by #7279Lord Liuker
talk about the Sound effects :)12.21, 15:0659Lord magicboy12.23, 07:07, by #1597Modi
Decoys12.22, 18:103navimegaman12.22, 18:53, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Finance complaints back-log12.22, 08:019OndaNera12.22, 13:44, by passo
search by nickname in private mail!12.21, 13:1813tristan2912.22, 09:56, by #7382anaka97
Holiday events?12.21, 14:5611passo12.21, 16:23, by Arctic
[News] Sound effects12.21, 15:094DarkOfArrow12.21, 15:42, by Javi
your rate of double elements12.15, 10:5270OndaNera12.21, 13:04, by OndaNera
magi is stupid12.20, 11:5911killerkalle20012.21, 07:35, by hiddenshadow
important12.20, 13:185hitsuyan12.20, 13:26, by Pang
effects of the update12.18, 04:5916frey1212.19, 18:24, by frey12
AP formula for enchanted arts?12.19, 17:1510#4201Lord Robai12.19, 18:10, by #4201Lord Robai
DE factoin topic12.18, 22:226#4201manufc21999r12.18, 23:32, by FaithBringer
bug in merchants quild12.18, 17:404killerkalle20012.18, 17:58, by FaithBringer
Did some topics just vanish?12.16, 21:4817passo12.17, 00:40, by Lady Takesister
Do u like the second blindfold tournament??12.11, 09:2842animalkaiser12.16, 09:35, by Lord HeartBreakkid
the strategy of thieving12.11, 10:3219frey1212.16, 03:18, by #4201Lord Pantheon
could too much discontent endanger the servers future?12.11, 16:5751Zarebrant12.15, 17:47, by #1209Lord xXxKratosxXx
Working time12.15, 13:565Chaos_Ogr12.15, 14:06, by #7365Lord Kotrin
Faction Statistics12.12, 21:2817#7181Lord Xerfer12.15, 10:23, by Lord Someon3
haunted mine reactivated?12.13, 19:016passo12.14, 13:58, by Lord ZGM
vanguard of barbarian12.14, 08:192Lord rashad12.14, 08:20, by Lord rashad
Vanguard of Barbs - Shrews12.06, 04:0517StOlEnDeStInY12.14, 07:37, by Georgia
Pending combats12.07, 13:1681#4201Arctic12.13, 14:53, by killerkalle200
To easy to level?12.12, 17:0921frey1212.13, 00:00, by GardenCity
What happens to tournament fights during the bug?12.07, 19:5316#1209Lord Silverhand12.12, 05:52, by armyofdarkness
second blinfold battle11.30, 15:35325Lord angah16012.11, 15:01, by Lady Takesister

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