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Ideas and suggestions


Topic Date
Author Last message
modies04.22, 14:502Terengganu04.22, 18:12, by #4201Shebali
their arts04.20, 05:0114Lady misself04.22, 00:43, by Lady misself
Forum Ideas & Suggestions04.18, 15:414Lady sry04.20, 04:47, by #7181h4nd
Auxiliary characters... why not?04.17, 12:2929Maingano04.19, 23:11, by Rpbns4ever
Castle building ideas04.19, 17:142Lord Everyone04.19, 20:17, by #4201Shebali
Artifacts and talents04.16, 07:5215Zarebrant04.19, 18:38, by Maingano
AFK in hunt04.18, 19:343arnasba04.19, 02:14, by Lady Straws
Empire invasion04.16, 14:375#7181Lord Mr_eee04.18, 19:24, by Pupek
hunter item durability08.05, 02:197Knightwolf04.18, 16:04, by #4201Shebali
CaA - >30% transfers04.14, 13:3312ISLEofVIEW04.18, 06:03, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Group battle (Max ap)04.16, 07:527PFrenzy04.17, 22:01, by #4201Shebali
To Fix Everything04.16, 15:259Raaz04.17, 12:17, by #4201Shebali
Anti - Racists04.16, 15:4323Terengganu04.17, 11:15, by #7365Lord Kotrin
new weapons for diamonds04.17, 07:353#7181Lord Mr_eee04.17, 10:53, by Terengganu
Add "Hunting" section to "About the game"04.16, 22:552Kal_Martani04.17, 03:49, by Lady Straws
crafting04.16, 13:425lfcdude04.16, 18:06, by hiddenshadow
AP - Taking all characters money and more.04.16, 05:389Raaz04.16, 12:10, by #4201Shebali
Tutorial improvement04.09, 22:5512#7181Omega2204.16, 11:14, by Lord Tzunami
Suppose this is it...04.15, 23:418urgone04.16, 05:10, by Lord Ravensclaw
Roulette04.15, 03:356PFrenzy04.15, 19:30, by #7181Lord MasterTI
Personal bank04.07, 03:1016hockeymaniac04.15, 19:12, by #4201Lord Pantheon
How About The AFK's in Group Battle Control By BOT??04.11, 02:4610shun104.15, 00:34, by ReIncarnate
search function in transfer log04.12, 15:349Beinion1504.15, 00:30, by ReIncarnate
Strategy Section04.14, 11:133#7365dogknght904.14, 20:16, by #7365dogknght9
Hero Customization04.07, 01:026PaladinforGod04.14, 16:16, by drakelord
new faction04.14, 10:062assasin0104.14, 14:44, by Zyanya
remove weapon requirement from hunt04.14, 06:488grumsh04.14, 09:52, by Zyanya
Enchanting04.14, 01:422hockeymaniac04.14, 02:11, by blazingarpit
AFK - The Solution!04.13, 13:5611Swingcat04.13, 17:00, by Zyanya
art re-do04.12, 21:304#7181Lord lukeman5678904.13, 06:04, by Zyanya

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