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Topic Date
Author Last message
New unit03.16, 23:076PantherFan1203.19, 13:04, by ISLEofVIEW
New Private Mail Suggestion03.18, 23:1313Lord Ravensclaw03.19, 12:51, by Lord Man-O-War
MARKET - Please modify a rules03.17, 12:4719LITWIN03.18, 13:20, by LITWIN
double skill day03.17, 12:008techy03.18, 11:19, by Archimonde1
Medical Guild03.18, 06:376Gaeriel03.18, 10:50, by Beinion15
thief button03.17, 23:124techy03.18, 06:59, by Zyanya
About Card game03.09, 17:1612Gaeriel03.18, 06:00, by Thelmon
Reward for ambush victims03.17, 16:515Javi03.17, 17:51, by Javi
troop deployment default03.11, 14:4817#7153Lord DEATHisNEAR03.17, 11:48, by Archimonde1
hunting filter03.16, 20:193#9595Lord Nebiros9203.17, 08:26, by Zyanya
Locking and unlocking of personal threads in caa forum03.16, 16:232God5end03.17, 08:24, by Zyanya
combat balance fixing for dark elves needed05.22, 05:4032rapra03.17, 07:45, by Beinion15
We Need An Ignore List!03.17, 06:072#7490Lady Zephyranna03.17, 06:07, by #7490Lady Zephyranna
Clan page filter03.15, 12:535#4201Shebali03.16, 21:07, by #4201Lord Pantheon
Faction Limit03.16, 07:0114ForestFighter03.16, 16:39, by #4201Shebali
Lottery for this game!03.16, 14:502yohoeandsaw03.16, 14:56, by #4201Shebali
Hunt available icon03.11, 13:4814ISLEofVIEW03.16, 03:35, by cyberclops
why do we have to wait 24hours to change between factions?03.15, 05:1914tany03.15, 15:49, by Arghmage
Repair and Enchant transfers03.15, 15:141Lord _Q_03.15, 15:14, by Lord _Q_
Unfair ambushes03.15, 09:389#7279Yinx03.15, 12:20, by #7279Yinx
market02.19, 13:0417chadi03.14, 18:59, by #7181Omega22
Future Map Improvements03.13, 15:1412Kal_Martani03.14, 15:09, by Kal_Martani
i want to be ambushed!!!03.14, 10:069Gaeriel03.14, 14:42, by #7181Omega22
nicer03.13, 18:045#7181Lord lukeman5678903.14, 00:24, by Terengganu
Gamblers guild. Change principle.05.11, 12:479Ghasteater03.13, 12:11, by #7705Lord abdullah
Redo tournaments03.13, 04:144Beinion1503.13, 06:50, by Lady Takesister
When someone goes afk?03.13, 00:556jk1103.13, 03:46, by Tymoriel
Army Restore03.10, 08:147Lazarus0003.13, 03:45, by #7181Lord lukeman56789
Formally defining Additional Characters01.29, 12:0428#7365Lord Kotrin03.12, 20:54, by Sven91
Sometimes the work codes are unreadable.03.12, 10:215Wainwright03.12, 14:59, by Wainwright

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