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AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
Hey ho fellow Knights! Its been awhile since I last checked this ol' thread out. Seems like its still as active as ever, awesome.

Now, shall we dive into the issue of the Minor Tourney?

What are your thoughts for our faction at your level in this duel setup?

Personally, I fall at the feet of magicians, and speed-offense players.
So it hasn't been a good outing for me so far. :P
me too, i don't even have a chance against wizard...
they have a powerful lightning spell and hard-to-kill gargs...
can anyone help..... or did i make some mistakes?
Hi knights players, i want to ask about Guardians range dmg reduce.

Guardians have 2 skill :
1. Large Shield (50% range dmg reduce)
2. Shield Allies (75% range dmg reduce to all adjacent allies).

So the guardian receive (75% range dmg reduce) or (50% range dmg reduce)?
just remind you...
As a result, those allies take only 75% ranged damage
that means all adjacent ally have 25% ranged damage less...

but still, it's a good question. i wanna know too :)
guardian only take 50% dmg from range. any unit beside guardian will take 75% range dmg.

large shield and shield alliance are different ability. the description already tell you shield allies only work on friendly unit but not guardian himself.
What if to guardians stand next to each other, will the receive 25% damage or 50%

work on friendly unit but not GUARDIAN himself.

not even on friendly SWORDSMEN/GUARDIAN. i would say it wont even work on any unit with large shield ability.

well, you still can get artifacts, evasion spells or talent to further reduce on range dmg.
that means all adjacent ally have 25% ranged damage less..
Ohhh, i missing that point. Thanks for the info.

For Pang and Xcalnarok thanks for the answers.
how can i defeat dark elf because shrews have no retal and they run after hitting me
Some tactics against elf....

Bwomen strong....
Hp weak....
FK high damage....

and i cant win...
if u want to give a strong battle to elf try to kill elven with ur hero and bowmen.and where is the thing to defeat fk sword can kill it with no prob.

but still it is difficult for u to kill because elf is strong in this level
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2010-06-01 02:23:57 // flooding]
for Crazy_Lunatic99:
you might want to read a very OLD post, but useful! check post #231. :)

spend your time reading old posts, i learned plenty from them. ^^
a small advice for all knights, since i am playing life magic i am not loosing in the tournament. its very helpful if ur lvl10 or more. check my battles, and see how i beat even heroes with diamond upgrade.
hey guys i got a wiz down to his gargs and i had only my swords left but i could never catch garg what do i do?

read 2095th post. never ever duel with wiz if not necessary
how can i defeat dark elf because shrews have no retal and they run after hitting me not got the answer yet
help me guys
any faction when facing dark elf should take out shrews first - use monks and xbows on them. after that you can focus on the other troops. liz cavalry are also dangerous because of liz charge.
I've got a level 7 knight on .ru and I wonder how I should distribute my skill points (especially for survival tournament). So far I've put most on them in attack and 1 in knowledge (for 2 bless).

Is this ok or should I consider putting more points in defence?

You can see my current setup here: http://www.heroeswm.ru/pl_info.php?id=1893250
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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