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All about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy


AuthorAll about Knight faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
But at level 7 is a holy knight good?
oh, I didn't play kni before lv9... maybe holy kni not so good until lv10 ?
but u can try though . bless and rapid xbow is the key to win
for Nelfael:
For lv.7, you can try to invest 1 stats to KN, sometimes Delay/Rapid at the right moment can decide win or lose.

Examples: you can use rapid so your smaller stack can take retaliation first before your bigger stack hit enemy stack.
Or you can delay enemy bigger stack, so your unit can hit them first before they hit you. etc
Can someone give me advice for troops composition, stats and talents for a lvl 12 faction lvl 0 knight concerning min AP ambush (SoM + amu moral), if this was discussed before, a reply-number would also be helpful, but 111 sites are simly to many to search.

Thx in advance
I keep losing this:
ooops, my bad

I keep losing this:


What did i do wrong??? what should i change???
go for guards and defence and escort, it'll help when their ammo runs out

rofl, you make alot mistakes.

1st, why dont you get max swordsmen? escort quest is something like get ambushed. you guardian is the key to win, not the xbow.

2nd, why do you place your troops so near each other where you saw a few lorekeeper. you love fireball so much? i dont mind you put decoy near to take a fireball to enrage your swordsmen

3rd, your griffin should block titan. after new update, titan in wiz escort quest is hard. just dont let them shoot and buy the turn for your swordsmen go near to take it down.
I have a question about the choice in ambushes BEFORE the coming of mighty guardians:

With blessing, xbows deal amazing damages. But they are slow and vulnerable.
On the other hand, Swds are much tougher and stun is really helpful in some cases.

So, is it better to build a Holy Magic knight for ambushing or simply a Might knight?
When I ambushed at level 8 and 9 I used swords. See my character page:


All of these battles were on the old, smaller field but I think the concept still applies. Swords are very good in ambushes.
2195, 2196

Heh exactly. Magic is just VERY useful for a PvE and also PvP Knight in most cases, except survivor tourney, of course.

But I find the damage output of Might Knight very potent, solid and rarely problematic. No casting means hero is free to do anything while stacks can chop all the way. Nice to have those nice Offence talents as well, they do wonders.

But I miss magic a bit, so I bought a Knw/SP hat and cloak, just for that +1 Knw and SP when I need 'em :D

buddy, both might and magic can do thieving well as long as you use the correct strategy and tactic.

we all know swordsmen/guardians are slow and they are the key to win. but, we have solutions to overcome it in both might and magic built.

for a might built:
your talent should get some leadership talent after you get offense or defense talent (depend on whether you are offense or defense built). more morale is always good. yet, might built doesnt means only offense or defense talent. i did apply expert luck /expert leadership in ambush before, it work well too :) get escort whenever possible.

even you can deliver great dmg OR receive lower dmg from caravans troops, but you have to pray on burst action and luck befall. only burst action/luck befall could allow your swordsmen/guardians to kill NPC caravan with haste.

for a holy magic built:
you should get expert mastery in order to maximum the all holy spells effect. you can get expert holy in lv8. same to might built, more morale is always good, so after you get holy talent, you can think on some leadership talent.

with the aid of holy spells, your swordsmen/guardians were ALMOST GUARANTEED get its turn faster than most of the NPC caravan units even no morale triggered; stable dmg output guarantee your guardians can heavily dmg 1 stack per attack; higher def (overcome low def stats or no defense talent) to withstand more dmg.

due to stats and talent, you wont deliver as much dmg as might built. but, you might need more Sp invest to get your holy spells work until end of fight. so, you should act quick before your spells duration run out.

hence, you should chop those dangerous stacks as fast as possible but not wipe it out. once the stack become smaller = less threat, swordsmen/guardian should move to other bigger stacks. leave the smaller stacks to monk, griffin, cavalry or whatever you left to deal with.

demon caravan with multiple imps stacks could ruin your days.

for dark magic built:
dont ever try it, it wont work well. i m not sure whoever try it out, but i had taste how bitter was it. dark magic need very high Sp and more Kn to get better result. although dis ray and delay is good, but that's it, nothing else.
for Pang:
um...So for both builds, max xbow is not preferable in an ambush?

buddy, i got questions for you. all you have to do is answer these question from what you found out.


1. did your bowmen/crossbowmen EVER survive until the end of caravan fight? EVEN it does, how often is it? how much it left?

2. did your bowmen/crossbowmen NEVER became 1st priority for AI target?

3. did your bowmen/crossbowmen dead OR lose big amount before all other unit (such as monk, griffin) die in caravan fight?

it wasnt hard to find out the answer. hence, you should know why are your troop settle for ambush will NEVER go to max bowmen/crossbowmen setup.
question: i am not sure if my choice to be a slight magic knight is working. This is because in the current tournament, i got around 10000, i thought wat a brilliant score. However, on the forum i found out that another knight got 16000+ and every1 else had got more than me. I used recruits instead of bowmen. Was magic knight a good idea or not as i am new to lv7...
for #2215 - imhop, you should definitely do the tourny as a might knight. If u look at the stats of players who did well in the tourny at level 7, you will see that most players are might, with some maybe choosing one point in knowledge for a rapid or bless.
Outside the tourny, well I didnt find magic particularly useful until i got to level 8 and got x-bows, but even then i change back to might for the survival tourny.
Survival tourney always favours might build. Simply because it goes over lots of rounds of combat and therefore magic effects always wear off, while pure might (attack) prevails to the end of the fight.
Hi guys.

I would need a little tip against caravans:
if I got skel bows in a corner, for ex, and I'm against royal griffins. Let's say that they plan to use battledive on my skel bows.

1. Can they actualy target (not attack! but just activate battledive) if I got a stack blocking large units from attacking the skellies?

2. If battledive has been activated (but the griffin is still flying high in the sky :P), but before the griffin achieves attack from battledive, I put a stack to block large creatures, can the griffin actually still reach the skel bows (I hope I'm clear, but I doubt about it :P)?

Or is the only way to avoid being attacked running beetween activation and the moment wich the griffin attacks?
1) Yes battledive works on any spot on battlefield (except natural obstacles)

2) Yes, he can

Your only chance is to run
Ok, thx.
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