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AuthorNecromancer faction topic
I am creating this even though im not a necro cuz my multi is a necro.

First Question: Should i save my reserve for skele bows or use them at early itself?

Second:at lvl 5 shud i be might or magic build

Third:which is the best talent at lvl 5.

FOurth: Should i have atleast 3 sp at lvl 5.

Thats all
Almost all these questions have an answer in the actual Necro Tread.
where is it?
1: save, before they're archers (when they're just skeletons) they're just useless

2: magic

3: no idea

4: also no idea
for Dan-Panic:
Dan, the "actual Necro Thread" is closed due to inactivity. This shall be the new one.

Should i save my reserve for skele bows or use them at early itself

In my opinion, once you get ghosts, save your skeletons or just bring your normal recruitment without extra reserve if you really need them. Even after you get skeleton bows, if you don't need them for a hunt or a quest, don't bring them. It's safer.

Second:at lvl 5 shud i be might or magic build
Level 5? Might. Your only damaging spell is Magic Punch, there's really no sense going Magic. Save the mana for raises.

Third:which is the best talent at lvl 5.
Basic Nature, to raise more, but some use Basic Erudition to boost attack by 1 point.

FOurth: Should i have atleast 3 sp at lvl 5.
At Level 5? SP 1 is enough unless you really want to be a magic necro and do damage by magic. About 4 Knowledge and the rest into attack. that's my opinion and what I did. For harder hunts or GBs, I brought along a hat of knowledge for +1 knowledge (50 mana = 5 raises + 1 punch or something like that)
well i am magic necro. should i be might? if i stay magic should i have basic eutridition or sholud i have basic nature magic or basic dark. i use delay extensively.
for power9000:
My opinion is that a magic Necro is one that does damage by magic, like wizards and Magic Demon (fireballs) and Magic DE (Lightning and spikes); or at least depends on magic to win.

You're one of the first Necros I know that moves their skeleton bowmen forward and attacks in melee with them, so.. you're unique.

Play your own style, and not worry if you should go Might or Magic. You can always change when you want to.
my multi is about to hit level5 too. I am going to use knowledge 5, sp 1(cloak of spirits). I might try to use sp2 because with basic nature it should be 1 punch = 1 druid, and as far as i remember elves are the biggest pain in level 5 fights.
elves are a real pain. the wizards are as well. well it depends on wheather u are might or magic necro. use skeles as target.
any advices for brigands. i have done de and kinght(won battel but lost cuz of time) but elven brigands are tough and so are barbarian brigands. 28+ ogre kill me before i raise .

I'll disagree with the previous posters.

1) Skeletons are cheap to come by, so you should always bring the full reserve with you. I always did and as far as I can remember I never had to buy skeletons to refill my reserve.

2) In level 5 you should have 50 mana and 1 knowledge which brings us right to your next question

3) you should take basic erudition and get 1 more stat point.

4) no 3sp isn't needed at all
here are the links to the previous necros - threads





hope I missed none
1) Skeletons are cheap to come by, so you should always bring the full reserve with you. I always did and as far as I can remember I never had to buy skeletons to refill my reserve.

That just shows your skill at not losing any. But the fact that people DO buy skeletons off the market shows that there are many people who DO need to refill reserves.

My only time I had to buy reserves was when I was rushing for my TG2. Those Caravans can be beat, but they always reduce my skeleton count.

it's up to the individual, though learning to fight without your full reserve reduces your dependency on the size of your army and allows you to win better when you DO bring your full reserve.
nope! At lvl5 elf is a crap if u already build skelly upgrade. Coz usually skel archer shot before elfbow
I disagree. Coz I often forgot to bring my reserve skellies when fighting hard enemy.
I have 1 question about skeleton number:

If you loose some of the skeletons during the fight and you rise them before the fight is over to full numbers, do you still have the same number of skeletons before and after the fight (not counting in new skele)?

I always raised skele at the end thinking that that make some difference in skele numbers. But I never actually checked if that is true.
If you loose some of the skeletons during the fight and you rise them before the fight is over to full numbers, do you still have the same number of skeletons before and after the fight (not counting in new skele)?
any advices for brigands? i have done de and kinght(won battel but lost cuz of time) but elven brigands are tough and so are barbarian brigands. 28+ ogre kill me before i raise .
plz reply
@17 I would avoid the brigand-quest for now, since they are among the toughest for necs at your lvl. Just concentrate on other quest.
so shud i choose magic or might?
Check this combat out:


Ambush vs AI, same luck on both sides except that... AI got luck exactly twice as much as I did ;) (him 12 times, me 6 times :/) Such a bad luck for me... so annoying.
Anyways, any advice how to set up troops in ambushes? After turning level 11 I find ambushes insanely difficult :/

I would avoid the brigand-quest for now, since they are among the toughest for necs at your lvl. Just concentrate on other quest.

At some point you have no choice but to avoid brigands, armies, vanguards and invaders. Which leaves only raids and monsters to do since those have the biggest variety and unfortunately seem to be appearing least often (at least to me).
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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