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AuthorLaborers Guild
Talk about the new LG changes. :)

It totally ruins me because I don't play alot because of school, and it goes down by 10% every 10 times enroll, unless you win a combat.

How is everyones LG changes coming...
I think you have it wrong.

You can enroll 10 times since winning a combat at 100% then next time you enroll it is at 90% the next time 80% and so on...

I like the new rule change, it will even things out and make level campers move on (i wonder what ethereality will do)
no it doesnt it goes down by 20% after 10th enrol each hour till u hit minimum and thats 10% of normal wage.
2 they blocked every lvl 1-5 milionaire on .ru before they added houses/estates. Hope same happens here :)
It totally ruins me

it will even things out and make level campers move on
Yes, yes, it will move the gold hoggers.

(i wonder what ethereality will do)
Haha the lv2 that has more experience than most players(lv8 lower)
He'll just be a sitting duck, I suppose :)

Thats interesting, looks like we can say bye to ethereality :)
It totally ruins me

Lol, if you really find it impossible to win a battle every ten hours at combat level 7 with all the new merc quests and huntable creatures around, then I think you should consider quitting...

looks like we can say bye to ethereality :)

Why the smiley? Did those "millionaires" do something against you, so that their blocking makes you so happy?
Why the smiley? Did those "millionaires" do something against you, so that their blocking makes you so happy?

No, I just feel the whole point of the game is moving on, which goes to if you really find it impossible to win a battle every ten hours at combat level 7 with all the new merc quests and huntable creatures around, then I think you should consider quitting...
I just don't really have time due to school. I figured that if i enrolled while school was in session, then i could do lots of MG or GB once i was free.

But enough of off-game forum, lets continue about LG problems.
Bad for my multi, reached 0.2 yesterday.

Very bad here
Is there a way to check (some counter/indicator somewhere) to show what % wage your character is at?

A lot of hard earned gold that can't be used to help our community...

Unless he gets to lv6 fast, that gold is going down the drain.
why must it be a victory?
u cant always win the combats
but we should still earn normal wages if we are enaged in combats
Because it is Lords of War and Money

If we can't win the war, we don't deserve to be called Lords and of course we don't deserve the money :)
i would say, the LG rule shouldnt restrict on any character with lv10 and above.

for lower level, this rule wont hurt much as long as you follow the procedure to enroll and lv up.

for higher level, almost every hunt, MG, amsbuh, gb are hard. you cant guarantee 1 win. although we got new MG for now, the problem wont show up shortly

To make the matter worse, they have greatly lengthened the merq quest timeout. That trick of doing a quest but not reporting back in time, so that the quest difficulty doesn't increase, is not working so well now. I did it once yesterday, and didn't dare poke my head back in the Merc Guild until today. :(
11 2009-11-16 01:36:24

Is there a way to check (some counter/indicator somewhere) to show what % wage your character is at?

I'd like to see one so I know if I need to get a quick battle in once I get home from work or if I can keep plugging away in the mines.
Is there a way to check (some counter/indicator somewhere) to show what % wage your character is at?

I have posted in ideas and suggestions about this.


Currently a message is given when your next enroll will be at lowered wage. But there is no way to know how many enrolls you have left before your wage is reduced.

I suggested a counter so we know where we are at.
i dont if this is asked again but does succesfull hunt help resets the timer?
for last_one:

As far as I know, any won combat resets the timer, even hunt assistances.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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