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AuthorLaborers Guild
Shhessh, can't you let go of that infected zombies 'white hunt'? It was only white because someone killed much more than that with shrews.

We are seriously drifting to off-topic with this infected zombie hunt story, so people please stay on topic - Laborers' Guild - or I'll have to close this interesting discussion.
Since Level 2 I did never win a battle with minimum art. Either I'm too stupid or it is because of my faction points. But even the White Dot Huns are IMPOSSIBLE for me to win.

My dear Arghmage,

I'll tell you a little hunt secret, but you gotta promise you won't tell anyone else, ok? --> To win a hunt... you gotta START a hunt.

In the past SEVEN months, you have done a grand total of 4 hunts, with a 75% winning percentage. How is that termed - IMPOSSIBLE for me to win??

Lost - 08-14-09 08:33[Full] [Chat]: Arghmage[6] vs Infected zombies (219)
Won - 04-21-09 06:41[Full] [Chat]: Arghmage[6] vs Swordsmen (134)
Won - 04-19-09 21:47[Full] [Chat]: Arghmage[6] vs Infected zombies (169)
Won - 04-11-09 19:11[Full] [Chat]: Arghmage[6] vs Golems (137)

It's obvious from your racial levels in all the 7 factions, that you are playing this game the "farming for exp/fep ratio" method. I'm not here to judge whether this is the right or wrong way to play this game, but PLEASE, don't take us as.. ermm.. 'not-too-smart' people, and give us the lobster about the impossibility of winning even your white hunts.

Thank you.
for Kotrin:

Sorry, was typing and posted mine before I saw your post. End of IZs for me. :)
It seems you did miss a little bit. In the last half year I did do this hunts.

08-14-09 08:33: Arghmage[6] vs Infected zombies (219) (full expensive arts)
05-01-09 15:16: Arghmage[6] vs Infected zombies (219) (full arts with entchantment)
04-27-09 11:28: Arghmage[6] vs Infected zombies (219) (full arts)

That don't look like a 75% winning percentage for me. That looks like 100% lost for me.

That is the reason why I'm saving for full expernsive arts with entchantment.

Therefore I was just enrolling and saving money - and according to my calculation I would need only two more months till I have the money till I finally can do an white dot hunt. Now I need two years, till I have it (either I do hunt assist from time to time or I will enroll with 10% income - either way I will need two years.)

That is the reason why I'm saying that not all of us can "just do white dot hunts to get back to 100%" and I find it very frustrating to play with the new LG-changes.

(Sorry for this long excurse)
for Arghmage:

It is totally possible to comply with the actual 10 hours, win 1 combat to keep full wage.

At your level it means. In 10 hours.

Possibility to see 20 times a hunt (Big possibility to get one you can do)
Possibility to see 15 times a merc quest (Big possibility to get one you can do)
And you can set up Duel and Group Battle in the meantime while waiitng for a good hunt or merc quest. At level 6 theres still a lot of players ready to fight.

So dont come here with : This is impossible to win.

Look at the possibilities.
for Arghmage:

Well, that's just 3 fights in how long? 7 months?
Or you want to say that you don't get other monsters to hunt, only Infecteds?

Have you ever tried using "Pass by" option? The next hunt will show in just 30 minutes and you can win it.

Stop telling us all this BS, just play the game.
The main problem I feel with the new Laborer Guild rule is that when players get to very high levels and their battles are impossible to win, they can't even earn money to buy those much needed high-end artifacts to win a battle to earn the gold. A vicious circle ... a 'catch 22' in my mind.

So now I'm changing my playing style ... I've been fighting regularly since I started playing, now I think I will enroll the 10 times before fighting again. That way the battles won't become too difficult or impossible too soon.

So for me, instead of this new LG rule causing me to fight more, it's causing me to fight less. :/
So dont come here with : This is impossible to win.

Sorry, you are saying, that I should try to do 35 fights just for the chance that I'm winning a fight?

Have you ever tried using "Pass by" option? The next hunt will show in just 30 minutes and you can win it.

This are the EASIEST that I can do. I'm already passing the harder ones. Sometimes it takes MONTHS till I got the infected zomibies again, where I have at least a chance to win.

Don't you people understand my problem? The new rules are deadly if you have problems winning a fight. After ten hours you will stuck at 0.1 meaning that you will get 20 gold each time you roll in, while one fight will cost you over 100 gold.

Translation: You must work five hours till you can fight - with minimum arts. If you have problems winning a fight (like I) and have cost like 10k for each fight you need 500 hours till you can fight. (If you roll in each day 12 times you need "only" 42 days till you can do one fight.)

At the moment I'm loosing every kind of fight that I can do (Hunt, Mercany, Thief and Group Battle). The only thing that I can do (and even with minmum arts) is Joining a Hunt. If I'm unlucky and no Joining Hunt is coming or even worse we are losing this one, I'll be spending enternity rolling in for work at 0.1.
So for me, instead of this new LG rule causing me to fight more, it's causing me to fight less. :/

Sorry, for double posting. But this is completly true. If you are smart do as few fight as possible. This way all the fights will be easy for you and you wont have any problems finding a winable fight.
BS, BS and even more BS ...

I switched factions at lev 8 to knights, demons and barbarians ... and I have been able to win a decent number of fights (hunts, MQ, PvP, duels, etc.) with all of them ... so don't tell me that at lev 6 you are not able to win fights ... in the worst case, asking for hunt assist is enough to get a powerful friend to help you kill the monsters ...
So for me, instead of this new LG rule causing me to fight more, it's causing me to fight less.

sorry for double posting ... but the point is exactly this one ... the new rules force you to think about fighting more PvP vs. before because you don't want now to be stuck too early with red hunts
the new rules force you to think about fighting more PvP vs. before because you don't want now to be stuck too early with red hunts

OR slow down in gaining xp, win a hunt and enjoy full 10 hours (7 atleast) before venturing off for another one. And there are always hunt assists to join without severely making own hunts red!

Thieving min AP was, is and will always be a great option. After an initial 50-60 losses I assure that you will get a 40% to 50% win rate EVEN with the new 18x18 field. That should keep the 10 hour cooldown up and running.
08-14-09 08:33: Arghmage[6] vs Infected zombies (219) (full expensive arts)

You say you had full expensive arts on?? then why are your stats so low on that fight? Can not be full arts there.
This are the EASIEST that I can do. I'm already passing the harder ones. Sometimes it takes MONTHS till I got the infected zomibies again, where I have at least a chance to win.

you can always ask for assistant. you will never be able to solo all hunts

I know it's a bit rough bringing some logic in to you land of unadultered whinging, but your mercenary level is 0. There are so many easy merc quests you could do.

The escort cargo, I was doing them with no arts at level 6 and getting by easily. Min arts will see you crushing merc missions.

Just admit that you want to be a level camper and get all the buildings for all the factions, and now that is harder. Don't try to say you can't win combats as anyone with half a clue can see through you.
Lol, I wanted to agree with arghmage, until I saw his level.
There is no way all battles are impossible at that level lol!
You are indeed pushing hard on your hunts, I can imaged a number of hunts became unavailiable, but mind moving to YL to get some MQ done? Mercenaries' guild: 0 (10) +40

Not only you gain an option to win battles, earn money through elements, get attribute points upon leveling up, you can also lose some weight!! 4 birds 1 stone :P
the problem with arghmage is that he wants to defeats these infected zombies at all costs.
he pass-by all other hunts (probably a lot easier) to try infected zombies because it's a white hunt.
but in fact for players without diamond upgrades it's as difficult as a red hunt, and maybe a red! one.
it's shown as a white hunt only because diamond users can kill a lot of them with shrews's hit and run.

arghmage, if you can't defeat them with full arts, it's obvious that they are too hard for you.
you should just pass by these infected zombies, and do all the others hunts, and it will be OK.
For arghmage:

As Karsot said, you have to be smart about the hunt difficulty. For your level, due to diamond upgrade (shrews), the difficulty of any low init, low speed creatures (zombies, infected zombies, ogres, golems, etc) will be badly skewed. For those creatures, you should probably adjust the dificulty up two or three notches, to yellow, or even red.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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