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AuthorLaborers Guild
The problem isn't that the new Laborers' Guild rule is somewhat annoying for low-level millionaires
since those are the easiest to get a won battle (just do a Piece-of-cake-hunt once every 10 time you enroll. Or even better, play PvP vs someone who just joined the game and doesn't know anything about troops setup/tactics)
for LEVY:
If the situation at YL is only due to Merc Questers, the Lab would be out of money too, why only Sulphur dune? It's because the enrollers only enroll and not buy

for Kotrin:
I still feel if people change with the times, it won't be a problem. Why people are not willing just to do hunt assists to get rid of workaholicism is beyond me. The only ones being truly affected are the level 14s until level 15 and above are released since they can survive currently using the new tier 5 upgrades

It's the enrolling-only people that can't afford to have to battle at all, not even once per 10 hours that are being affected. I know they can just do white hunts twice per day or something, but they can't or won't do it. It's too much of a time investment for them to spend more than 5 seconds per hour on the game.

Maybe it's how I see things... Maybe it's because I feel that people do too much theiving, too much hunting, too much questing and they start complaining that they can't fight anymore... Maybe it's not the right strategy for playing this game, just as it's not advisable to do GBs at level 1-5? Maybe it's not meant to be played that way?
But isn't that want they do want? For the low level workaholics to actually gain experience and not continue on their money making ways without getting any experience?

I honestly doubt it.
you can still enroll for a year 10times/day withouth penality at the "expense" of ~20K xp.
If you start it at level 5, you could do it during 3 years before reaching level 6.

If this update was targeted to low level hording players, it's an epic fail.
Why you think, that multi only enroll in Sulphur dune, they probably enroll in all mines. If multi is in YL, he may enroll in Lab too, but in Lab is less workplace then in Sulphur dune, so Lab lose less money as payment for workers, and Lab have full gold, and Sulphur dune is drained.
if i were a multi, i would camp 1 char in all territories having a mine... thats 5 if 1 cannot enroll no big deal got 4 other...

i watched the https://www.lordswm.com/forum_thread.php?id=113 which deals with illegal finances, in my translation against multis... its a spy network of people watching others log, not a good thing, but its a shame that people play tricks...
many obvious multi cases nothing happens for more than a month, and check the logs, he continues financing the main char...

LG rule against multis, huh...
against multis that forum should be investigated and closed topics with reasoning should be shown...
If the situation at YL is only due to Merc Questers, the Lab would be out of money too, why only Sulphur dune? It's because the enrollers only enroll and not buy

Maybe I am wrong, but I assume you have been around long enough to experience the shortage of all the resources, all but sulfur. The demand for sulfur( in building the castle, etc) is less than all others. That is why the mine has always been over-supplied but under-funded.
And I'd echo levy's point--why a multi wants to enroll in the sulfur mine while there is no gold reserve at all? You think they pay to enroll? Wouldn't it mean they put their money to use then?

Those who simply play cards are UNAFFECTED by this rule since they don't need money at all (bets ARE optional).

Not affected?
Card/roulette players are worst then ballte players?
Maybe they want make bussines on elements in market, maybe they want buy estates? Should they pay for hause in RL cash (imo 400-500$ for house in game is creazy).

What are you talking about?

Here is a player who enjoy card games (not roulette with is an entirely different thing) and is UNAFFECTED by the rule:

She has never battled in the last 6 months (and probably neither enrolled), but she is playing card games!

She can't be the only since I found her after clicking five (5) only names of players gaming in the tavern.

There are players (many?) who want to play the card game and are UNAFFECTED by all those rule changes.

Some of them, don't like enroll, too i.e.


others play card and enroll:

As I wrote few posts before, there are players affected, too.

Why card players can't save money for i.e. house?
Why roulette players MUST leave from game, if they lose all money (can't only enroll for money to make new bets?)
I know they can just do white hunts twice per day or something, but they can't or won't do it.

Easy to say. The only white dots I have are IMPOSSIBLE for me to win. I tried it even with artefacst that cost 20k EACH FIGHT - and I still failed.

I was thinking that I just need a high guild-level, before I can do this ones, but even this is now impossible to do. :(

I was counting that I "only" need two more months of only enrolling, before I'm strong enough to win. But now I will need "only" two more years, till I can win a fight.
for Arghmage:
What are you talking about? You are level 6 and you have not hunt in ages, not talking bout assisting. What artifact set costs you 20k per fight?
Yes, I haven't hunted in Ages, because even with full Hunter set with full entchantments I did failed against white dot hunts.

Thoese Infected zombies (219) will kill me each time, no matter what I'm doing.

And those are the only white dot hunt I have. :(

that is due to the fact that difficulty for hunts, for DE at lvl 6, are calculated starting from the result of players which use diamond upgrade and then have shrews. New Merc Quest should help you to win some fight and not be penalized in enrolling wage for a time, but you have to dedicate time to the game ;)
@131: those are white dots for shrews users.
The only thing you need is a level up. Fort upgrade makes things much easyer.
for Arghmage:
There are harder hunts beside those infected zombies you know... and as above post said, they were white because someone defeated 700+ with shrews, other hunts with yellow indicator should be easier than this.

And I don't understand why you wanted to enroll for 2 months (now 2 years) just to save for arts to defeat some 219 infected zombies?
And I don't understand why you wanted to enroll for 2 months (now 2 years) just to save for arts to defeat some 219 infected zombies?

Well, I guess with even better arts I can finally defeat them. I want to play the game and to play the game I need to win fights.
playing only card games in lordswm lol...

assist? if u get a "saviour" who wants to get over the combat fast and he is a DE or elf, u wont get much skill points... i stopped to ask for assists, when i reached lvl8 clvl as a necro and got 0.09 skill points cuz an elf is a better hunter... with shrews i can kill much more slow troops, than i could with necro...

so my opinion is to save impossible fights for other factions or higher lvls... u get 0.5 skill more than 0.25

(Hint) watch your top faction hunter's tactics, talents, artifacts(can be guessed from the heroinfo on the battlefield) and deployment... i saw a lot top1 without diamond upgrade... of course you need luck too to win red fights and get to the top3...
This change is not a problem for me and it is VERY GOOD CHANGE of the game. I think, that everyone is able win 1 battle (hunt, mercenary, thief, pvp) in 10 hours. If i will check combat logs of top players, i dont think, that 1 win in 10 hours is really a problem for them ...

And problem of low level player and multi characters with a lot of money exist. This is really a problem for game economy, because economy is not only about earning money, but about spending money too. And opportunity to spend money is very important aspect.

In this game are money very important thing. We need money for buying new arts, for buildings, enchants, etc. So, we earn money from LG, hunts, mercenary quests, TG, ... and we spend money for arts and other important things for us. This is ok, looks like economy model in real life. Mostly similar to day-life cycle in real life, where we need food, clothes, ...

But in this game players who only enrolling are against economy system of this game. They have got too strong economy power without needing spend money like "normal active" players. And with this economy power they can change economy of the game a lot.

Worse problem with this system are multi characters. Some players have multis, who only enrolling and save a lot of money. Then these characters can interact with main characters by many ways, for example repairing arts, renting arts, ... They have got a lot of money for these activities. You can say, that these activities are not allowed, but a lot of people do it. And multi characters are not multis, but brother, sister, father, ... playing from the same computer, we know that ...

So, for players who are active (who are able to do 1 battle per 10 hours) and want to play fair is this change not a problem.
The excess wealth affects the game economy negatively, driving the prices of everything up. It absolutely affects everybody. That is why I strongly believe that this rule is great.

It does? I thought prices went up when the item was in greater demand or became scarce?
Anyway, even if it does, somehow having excess wealth becomes a crime?
To Argmage:
u are HG3 at Lvl6, so there are tons of easy hunt with min AP for you!
u are HG3 at Lvl6, so there are tons of easy hunt with min AP for you!

Since Level 2 I did never win a battle with minimum art. Either I'm too stupid or it is because of my faction points. But even the White Dot Huns are IMPOSSIBLE for me to win.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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