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Author[Military Clan] #9595 Immortal Dynasty
Thanks to all who participated in the capture battles, we now have a sector to defend! We have increased defence rewards to 120% to compensate for the increase in difficulty :)
A huge thanks to Any Key. We are very grateful to Celestica for coordinating everything so perfectly and all her help :)
Looking forward to more clan alliances in the future.
Smith or enchant? Our clan needs you to help grow an expanding and more reliable depo for the future!
7 spots left!
4 spots left, i remember when there were only 4 spots taken. Weve come so far together :)
Final construction in progress, its a long road ahead to that +1 attack!
shh.. dont tell the empress, we have a tampering lair...
Never a better time to join our discord server and get to know us!
3 spots left.

Contact our recruiters before it's too late!
fun times here in ID :d

Wanna try out for some PvP defenses while we get attacked? ;)
Looking to build your enchanters guild? Our clan depo is rapidly growing and is a great way to get involved and raise your level!
Looking to build your enchanters guild?

I am , i you need PM any time :)
raise me upppppppp in my ench guild pls
First of all i want to congratulate members who passed defence win milestones in the last month:

Merlin36 250
Yashu12323 200
Warrior2002 200
Igles 100 & 150
Hapkoman 100
Poodelivery 100
Rohanarora 100
Aparun 50
Ukak 50
Void_moon 50
Azizander 50
Mifistofel07 50
Vizzy 50
Now for the rankings for the 2 week period

2 week rankings 2/11 - 15/11

1. Hapkoman 39
2. Igles 37
2. Void_moon 37
4. Yashu12323 31
4. Warrior2002 31
6. Aparun 28
7. Merlin36 22
8. Azizander 21
9. Thaidye15 20
10. Cool_knight 16
10. Ukak 16
12. Esra 15
13. Poodelivery 14
13. Rohanarora 14
13. Sss610 14
16. Drawaft 13
16. Uio 13
18. Detherocevil 12
18. Vizzy 12
20. Mistofel07 11
21. Pempek 10
21. Lordnebiros92 10
23. Urdit 9
24. Alhths 8
25. Janc 7
25. Oletuz 7
27. Lord radagast 6
27. Y0junior 6
29. I11idan 5
30. Elvian 4
30. Niranjan 4
32. Wubufett 3
32. Lususnaturea 3
34. Tony 2
34. Bobesponja 2
34. Krish0608 2
34. Pajama sam 2
34. Go2love 2
34. King_dave 2
34. Leander 2
34. Bruce_lee123 2
42. Patou 1
42. Homurik 1
42. Andrewganteng 1
42. Lordrachit 1
42. Eddy_immanuel 1
42. Tagher011_2 1
42. Hari143 1
42. El_grego 1

A total of 522 defence wins in 2 weeks is a huge effort by everyone involved and each member should be proud of this.

220,031 gold was earned by the clan during this period, and due to the agreement to share this profit between members all players on this list will shortly be sent a 400 gold bonus per defence won. And this will become a 2 weekly occurence to celebrate everyone's huge efforts.

A quick update on the all-time rankings top 10

1. Merlin36 288/307
2. Yashu12323 227/250
3. Warrior2002 202/240
4. Igles 168/197
5. Basion2 166/177
6. Hapkoman 148/168
7. Poodelivery 133/151
8. Rohanarora 107/127
9. Mocos 101/112
10. Cool_knight 99/123

Thanks for everyone who contributes to the efforts of the clan. Expect another update soon into the beginning of december and another round of rewards!

Many thanks,
70 slots unlocked :)
for merlin36:
You think 70 slots will help you in the following onslaughts? Bhahahaha

The pirates shall walk the plank!
Well dear witcher imma toss you a coin to kill yourself because you are sure as hell going to wish you had once i am through with you.
for Igles:
That is a likely event to happen, considering the brain numbing moves you shall be making in battle!

I shall get blessed by the Valley of Plenty, and that coin will be the only thing to make those fights bearable.
This time three words will emanate from all around you :



This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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