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Author[Military Clan] #9595 Immortal Dynasty
Congratulations guys :)
Interested in joining us?

Send a mail to one of our recruiters or any member of the clan and they will refer you to the recruiters :D .

It's a decision you wont regret ;)
2020-05-03 22:00: Clan has seized control over Sublime Arbor-E1 with #413 Forge of glory.
2020-05-04 00:00: Clan has seized control over Sublime Arbor-E4 with #419 Mithril armor factory.

100 members reached.

A great moment for all of us :)
*insert rocky balboa’s motivational speech to his son here*
for DetherocEvil:

You can have more if you remove that specific paragraph from your recruiting message, I know several people who didn't join because of that. ;)
for Calamity:

If your recruitment pitch to merlin for the “screenshot skype legion” would have included the promise of “manufactured scandals, tension and gossip” it would have been far more effective than the garbage you usually send out, just saying.

I mean that if the flames were directed at any of us outspoken people like myself i would have understood but time and again you guys mess with the sweetest people of our clan. First it was latveisu and mega demon going after merlin and now Dethy. Try to be a tad less caustic to the few people who are actually nice and stop us from saying anything bad about efl.

Also i would urge you to screenshot and propagate this before it gets deleted ( though of course it will be deleted after you guys screenshot and make rounds with this so saying that is kinda redundant)

All the best for recovering from your pathetic mindsets.
Come on guys. We are better than this.
Let's all be civil here.
There is absolutely no need to hurl hate towards each other.
for Calamity:
To be honest, I guess before commenting on others, one should look into themselves. Being a clan that doesn't trust other clans is far better than being a clan that doesn't trust it's own members (current or old).

I am not here to fight or something, just giving an advice.
for Igles:

I am an old woman to speak for my self and only my self.

I don't play the kids screenshot game sorry, get your facts straight and updated if you want to spread rumors in any way.
Basic life rule is we don't talk for things we don't know about, I'll suggest you start doing this for your own good.

Your answer is very suitable to my congratulations and hint one, your vocabulary and your remarks also.
You said those things, I didn't, vomit on other people to make you look better doesn't always work, another hint. :)

Have a nice day.

for Hello_lwm:

I don't understand what you are talking about.
Can you explain me how did i go for anyone of people you mentioned above?
Let's all calm down for a moment and think.

This isn't really worth it.

Please take it to the PMs, thank you.

And let's be cordial.
For Calamity:

Unfortunately when we wear the badge of an MC our actions and words inevitably reflect on the clan we are part of.

I myself have made bad jokes on efl clan page and although i know i was just having a bit of harmless fun, it is hard to know what others opinions are of you and how they will take the joke :)
Let's all calm down for a moment and think.

This isn't really worth it.

That’s right

You can have more if you remove that specific paragraph from your recruiting message, I know several people who didn't join because of that. ;)
Care to tell us who those several people are? :)
Care to tell us who those several people are? :)

Drop it.

No more arguing here.
Our differences have been solved.
Care to tell us who those several people are? :)

well dethy messaged to a few in our clan, you can ask him who is that.
Moving on, we extend the warmest welcome to our newest members :-

Yinyang Master
Lord 7479368
GZ to get over 100 members :) go on and good luck
And a 100 more to come! :D

for Leander:
Thank you for your help, brother! Really appreciate it :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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