Forums-->Ideas and suggestions <|34|35|36|37|38|39|40|41|42|43|44|>
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mighty wizard talent | 07.19, 08:20 | 5 |  yopiwizard | 07.19, 11:15, by  slayerofall | Hybrid setup mode in tournaments | 07.13, 17:26 | 10 | Instinctivity | 07.18, 22:00, by  merlin36 | prohibit topic creation in I&S below some combat level | 05.23, 20:27 | 30 | Lord selfist | 07.17, 00:51, by PunishingWand | Ability to rent packhorses | 07.09, 21:45 | 21 |  DEATHisNEAR | 07.15, 03:19, by  MagDonald | notification | 07.07, 20:19 | 5 | Cric3z52557 | 07.12, 06:02, by _elf_007_ | Ability to cancel a hunt | 03.28, 03:27 | 15 | Lady Abby | 07.12, 04:34, by Instinctivity | Protection from Survilurgs' attacks | 06.29, 09:36 | 15 | Dionysus | 07.12, 04:31, by Instinctivity | Team Survival Tournament? | 06.13, 15:36 | 31 | _1rip1_ | 07.09, 20:37, by Loafoant | group battle ap required | 07.09, 15:10 | 2 | archusz | 07.09, 15:42, by ElfPride | Item dupplication | 07.06, 17:51 | 8 | evil_archer | 07.07, 08:49, by Lord SV22 | allow changeging talents recruting inventory etc while in tavern challenge | 07.04, 10:03 | 7 | babywolf | 07.05, 13:11, by  Electivire | Change The System Of Rules <part 1> | 07.02, 21:12 | 6 | cargo456 | 07.03, 20:45, by cargo456 | Inviting players who will fight with you in 'Survilurgs event' defence | 06.26, 11:12 | 31 |  Elrond | 07.03, 07:39, by  Warlock naviron | clan buffs & clan points | 07.03, 07:33 | 1 | -praywithme- | 07.03, 07:33, by -praywithme- | Disruption ray | 07.01, 19:14 | 3 | yoshyegg | 07.01, 19:28, by  -_NO--NAME_- | New Hunt for the start of each Level | 06.29, 12:15 | 4 | Lord-Zeus | 06.29, 17:58, by  DEATHisNEAR | remove longer enrolls | 06.29, 14:28 | 5 | Sven91 | 06.29, 16:36, by  DEATHisNEAR | 3 ideas... | 06.29, 01:26 | 1 | Lycanthrope | 06.29, 01:26, by Lycanthrope | Resources cheaper if you buy more | 06.08, 14:59 | 8 | evil_archer | 06.27, 21:59, by Sven91 | Protection time from Survilurgs' attacks | 06.24, 00:51 | 25 |  Tony | 06.26, 20:20, by Dr Damage | bring back old economy | 06.10, 00:37 | 42 | theangrybarb | 06.26, 07:24, by Hockeymaniac123 | Threat level - hunts | 06.18, 17:10 | 18 | Pastak | 06.25, 02:48, by Grusharaburas | merceneris guild faild to do quest in 600 minutes. | 06.19, 15:31 | 10 | babywolf | 06.25, 02:15, by Grusharaburas | hunting asisting recive gold | 06.24, 23:57 | 2 | babywolf | 06.25, 00:21, by  Arcanide | smithing | 05.31, 16:37 | 10 |  death2all | 06.24, 15:14, by kushagra5 | option to discard depleted arts | 06.21, 12:47 | 3 | Cric3z52557 | 06.21, 13:49, by Lord KD | Team allotment. | 06.20, 18:25 | 3 | mariothuyavan98 | 06.20, 18:27, by Loafoant | Hunt Timer | 06.18, 17:11 | 2 | abh33 | 06.18, 18:29, by I_N_S_A_N_E | Mount leasing | 06.14, 20:08 | 9 | evil_archer | 06.18, 15:35, by ShyElf | Reintroduce partial health/mana post (won) combat | 06.11, 14:52 | 8 |  Warlock naviron | 06.12, 23:29, by  Lord Khellendros |