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AuthorEverything about .ru
Well i still can't rach it
ru serv are down now :(
[Post deleted by moderator Jedi-Knight // Only English in forums]
[Player banned by moderator Jedi-Knight until 2011-05-22 07:31:24 // English only in forums/Warning]
when will it be fixed?
i have 12 lvl char with a house, 5 lvl GV, anti on all factions (3-4) and there is a risk that it will not be restoured (((
well this forum is as dead as TG(GV) forum on RU. I imagine what the TG forum here is like. 1 post per month, 1 topic per year ))))
for Shandzin:
admin can not run and monitor the server.
Server dies
for Margorita:
it can happen to your fortune that soon RU server will die and admin will turn their attention to com. No one argues that this server and players here deserves better attention but i want my char back on RU! It would be better for all of us if admins hired more staff
It would be better for all of us if admins hired more staff
Greed ... is the source of all problems
All talks about russian's server death are stupid. There are some problems there, but I'm sure, admins aren't going to surrender. We just have to wait.
Greed ... is the source of all problems

may be they are just paranoic to let someone else to the game code? Anyway it would be cool if they enlarged their team and may be merged this two servers. I would like seeing English German and others on RU and it would be a good start for clanwars. But this is just a dream =(
But this is just a dream
[Post deleted by moderator Jedi-Knight // provocative]
[Post deleted by moderator Jedi-Knight // Provocative]
for Wurmtog:

.com will never be as good as .ru

the admins are russians

there is another reason besides the nationality. There are much more inhabbitants in RU that give much more financial profit for authors. I suppose that in another situation they will turn their interest more to the com

But today is a day, when vore players from RU go to COM =)
Dunno, I like both servers. There I have pretty nice 12lv char with 5 antibelt and 6 TG n stuff and a lot of meat to beat, but here nice collective, great clanmates and practice in english :). It'd be sad, if any of it will fall apart.

hope .ru will never come back online
I agree that this serv needs more attention and people, but, read 2813

I imagine what the TG forum here is like. 1 post per month, 1 topic per year ))))
Nope, there's just no such thing at all)
[Post deleted by moderator Jedi-Knight // Provocative]
[Post deleted by moderator Jedi-Knight // Provocative]
for Atheros:
looking at you i could have said that all nonrussian players here are jealous. but i am not that stupid to judje by one or several person

This a another mirror of heroeswm.ru
More save.If you have a problem for logining in the game-go to this mirror.
The only problem of .com is a low online.
Maybe the reason is a simple design, or lack of advertising, or some other problems, but while there are only 1k players here (including add. chars and russian playes), they don't pay enough attention to this serv.
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