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AuthorAll about Wizard faction: Stats, Talent, Tactics, Strategy
Still there is a chance that their alt upg will be worth something.
For now it is better to save money for enchanted gargoyles.
tire 1 upg is useless for wiz
Am I the only one who like it? I think they are very useful for PvP in level 5, as their turn come before most of the ranger(elven bowman, sometimes even before centaurs). I know gargs can run while hero cast, but in level 5, mana is not "infinite" because there is no way to get mana recovery there...
Maybe on a level 5 combat I suppose, but I have never purchased the upgrade and don't see any point in doing this. Damage is poor and they cannot sponge in any circumstance.

Focus on units that can keep you alive for wizard (gargs + modern golems). In 90% of the battles that I face I only win if I can keep in the battle long enough. As most players disregard wizards in group battles, your damage output is pretty much how long you can stay alive.

If you do this, you have a high chance of being successful. well as long as you don't get garg rushed. but it depends on the experience of your opponents in dealing with wizards ;)
well as long as you don't get garg rushed

in 1v1, at level 10 for example you should take about 17 defense and rush on gargoyles would not be a too big problem anymore, because they will resist pretty well (I saw a duel of yours vs a knight where you had 10 def - wiz is op against knight so it was ok there, but usually 10 def is too low, you should sacrifice some sp for defense against other people).

in 2v2 and 3v3 it is ok to have lower defense and more sp because gargoyles won't be top priority, as your allies may have more dangerous troops that need to be killed faster than your gargoyles.
I've never fought without my handfull of grems, but, as matter of fact, 99% of wizzards rated them as useless according to unofficial sources). I thought I was the only one likling them for the time being. Not that I'm much of a typical wiz though.
@para, that knight played pretty badly tbh. I usually prefer a higher defence, but I was using custom arts from the anniversary set. I also had set it for 3v3 but due to the early morning time, the knight was the only one willing to join
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
Here is a useful guide:


A lot of things changed now though - but most of the underlying ideas there are still valid.
Here is a useful guide:


nice topic form a good wiz player, some are changed now but we may hop he will improve it :P
guys can anyone explain me the nature,holy and chaos magic talents?
for eMagician:
At your combat level basic erudition would be the best. The magic talents increase the efficiency of the spells of that magic school, but they become more useful at higher levels. Basic chaos magic would now increase the damage of magic arrow and spikes exactly like one extra point in spell power. Holy magic is useless, since you need to be level 10 to unlock holy spells and basic nature magic would slightly increase the damage of magic punch.

You can see here how it works: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=31
Hello guys...
I want some suggestions regarding talents,mini arifacts at lvl 6
Mostly i'll be doin hunt,mg,ambush
I will be having 3 fsp when i reach lvl 6 so u can comment accordingly
N 1 more thing should i keep max garg or max golem when i have mana recovery talent at lvl 6???
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