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AuthorWizard faction topic
That was how I saved up for a TGI. Invest heavily in Mini-arts. When your savings + Mini-art refund value is high enough, cash them in and buy the TGI. Think of it as enforced savings.

Just make sure you have enough left over for artifacts, etc after you buy the TGI. It also helps to have built up another faction (at least in terms of buildings in the Castle) because being a Wizard theif with no Mini-arts is hard.

Have Fun

It won't matter for long. When the updates from .ru reach here, then not only will the mini arts be made completely free of charge (at the expense of effectiveness) but you will also be returned the amount of gold you spent to buy the ones you currently have on. So till then, wizards can just think of it as an investment.

I think, that update is truly awful.
I would much rather, Speaking as a wizard, have to pay for my mini-arts and have the full effects as we have now.

From the point of view of a non-wizard or someone wanting to become a wizard, this update sounds great because they can finally try out wizard without having the full costs! - That won't stop their effectiveness being downgraded :(

I'm kinda hoping that it doesn't come here anytime soon!
I think, that update is truly awful.

I believe it's being done for 'balancing' purposes (both cost and strength wise) which I guess is obvious, but I do see your point. If wizard was my main faction, I would hate it too.

From the point of view of a non-wizard or someone wanting to become a wizard, this update sounds great because they can finally try out wizard without having the full costs!

Absolutely. :P It's the reason why I'm not doing the change to wiz till they have the update here. I was never planning on getting mini arts, so having lousier ones will still be better than nothing personally.

I'm kinda hoping that it doesn't come here anytime soon!

Yeah most of us do, but all I gotta say is don't get those hopes up it's not all that far away. :/
Well mini arts efficiency on ru has been down graded. At faction 9, you can no longer get +3 morale/luck and the max atk/def you can get is +7.. Despite the new magic artifacts, which are pretty strong but really expensive, people like untaka is still playing might.. We have all the reason the play might, Lores, Holy magic genie 8 speed, dominion of fire etc.. Maybe admins need to totally reconstruct these things instead of just degrading minis (well, it is the luck/morale they are aiming at) to encourage players play magic. Actually, might wizard in hunt really doesn't do that bad, well, still the worst, but doesn't differ 50%+ like in our server.
I'd really love if magic wizard was playable. Already now at level 9 I see it as more and more unplayable when facing other players - "thanks" to air resistance and magic resistance en grand style; and i am not talking about barbarians here. Personally I think that is a good part of the reason why magic just does not work: devs provided too many items that reduce the effectiveness of magic in big style.
So till then, wizards can just think of it as an investment.
It's not an investment, because to get better triple artifacts, you still have to sell the old ones and lose 10%, or wait for an update that may come eventually.

And I have to agree, magic wizard just isn't possible once you reach higher levels: at level 10, spells aren't powerful enough for pvp (magic resistance)or some hunt assists (not to mention thief guild).
you still have to sell the old ones and lose 10%, or wait for an update that may come eventually.

Obviously I meant when the updates come -_-
ok I'm not up to date what happened to wizards in .ru besides free mini arts?
Minis there are for free (don't cheer) but with significantly lesser efficiency, plus Luck (the most important) and Magic resistance mini arts are canceled.
Also Erudition talent cost is increased by 1 point, Sorcery talent is decreased by 1 point and Chaos talent is decreased by 2 points.

So I think the "faction balancing" overall will be a downgrade for wizards (good thing I've trained as a demon too). And magic wizard will be even worse at GB and TG.
Any sugguestion should i start TG at lv7 or wait untill lv8 to get ench garg?
No body can answer me? :(
It's always the sooner the better for thieving (though I did most of my ambushes as Demon or DE). But at level 7 caravans are easier than level 8 and you also have double minis, so go for it :)
I think u should start at 7 but I'd suggest changing factions to DE or elf
best recruiting for lvl 7 wiz

So I think the "faction balancing" overall will be a downgrade for wizards (good thing I've trained as a demon too). And magic wizard will be even worse at GB and TG.

that's my opinion too
i hoped that one day wizard might be strong enough to be able to be played as a might wizard but with that downgrade they really will be screwed (since they aren't that good anyway at mage build)
I have a situation which I'm sure many wizards have faced:

After followin Jabber's guide, max garg and magi then golems, I have some grelims left that I can recruit. Two, to be exact. Should I recruit them? Why or why not?
Well, I didn't recruit them cause I would have less stacks of magi, thus less damage dealt.
Though, if you have built gremlins upgrade, they have a good initiative and can be used for taking retal.
I just wanted to chime in with Erekose - never used Gremlins as it costs more damage than it brings.

Though in terms of several Magi stacks, a hint to get quicker regeneration of troops: sometimes - against NPCs - it can be better to keep ONE big stack of magi and let it get hit. Especially against monsters. Don't care about them dying - and in the penultimate round just resurrect them in one go. Voila: 100% (or almost so) readiness of troops.
Sorry if this is offtopic, but yay! we finally have a level 14 wizard (Marked_One, who switched after demon faction level 9).
actually Kusika is the first lvl 14 wizard but he is playing as barb now.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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