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AuthorWizard faction topic
Good, this topic is alive.

We have been wondering with marked_one about one thing. Modern Golems. Are they useful for level 12-14. We are both in quite similar situation(of course Marked is a pro) and need to learn the basics of playing the wizard at high level.

So if someone with experience as a high level wizard would like to share his experience with us, we would be grateful. And maybe the other players bold enough to walk our path will join later(Zyanya?:-)).

We have been wondering with marked_one about one thing. Modern Golems. Are they useful for level 12-14. We are both in quite similar situation(of course Marked is a pro) and need to learn the basics of playing the wizard at high level.

Well I'm not quite there yet... (Or anytime soon.) But I don't see the likes of pptandppt, limustudotcom or aceace (All level 12+) using any Modern Golems right now. It still seems commonplace for a high level 12+ to use Max gargs.

Have a play around with them and see if they will best fit YOUR individual strategy. It never hurt to try! :P
To #40:

Yeah, but to my knowledge Kusika never played wiz at level 14.
Kusika did have a go with wiz at 14 but turned soon to DE after completing the last few steps to faction level 9
[Player banned by moderator Zyanya until 2009-10-27 05:15:53 // Posting with multi - relapse.]
So can i equip 7 initiative to 1 stack and 6 initiative to another stack? i mean i heard a person saying u cant equip same bonus mini arts to many creatures.
So can i equip 7 initiative to 1 stack and 6 initiative to another stack?

Yes you can, you can't equip +7% ini to 2 or more creatures. if it's a different value, you can equip the same stat bonus to different stacks
how do i equip mini arts
how do i equip mini arts
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-12-09 13:48:04 // Flood]
Go to your castle, enter Artifact foundry and right under where it says
" Equip on "
you can choose which mini art to equip on what creature. Then press ok on the right and it's done.
seems, that mini arts will be soon for free... read announcement topic

Minis there are for free (don't cheer) but with significantly lesser efficiency, plus Luck (the most important) and Magic resistance mini arts are canceled.
Also Erudition talent cost is increased by 1 point, Sorcery talent is decreased by 1 point and Chaos talent is decreased by 2 points.

Nothing about holy magic?

Lesser efficiency... Well, by how much lesser?
Holy and nature magic have the same cost.

I don't know exactly the efficiencies for all attributes and levels, but :
E.G for faction level 6 it is 5 attack, 5 defense instead of 7.
Does anybody know exactly when the update will be?
Also, what are pros and cons of modern golems at higher levels, and exactly how strong are lorekeepers?
*53 nobody knows

*54 modern golems imo are good to get rid of pesky little creatures with unlimited retal and dealing a decent amount of damage to strong creatures though they cost a pretty penny
I'm guessing that people can afford it though, is it just that gargoyles are better?
Sorry for double post, just talked to Zyanya and in her opinion, modern golems are too slow, also how strong are lorekeepers because they often seem to get killed first.
well lore's get killed 1st cuz there a good threat
Threat of what though?
idk i dont have em lol
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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