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AuthorUncle Modi's Tavern
For ladies night, Do the women have to discuss the first thing that pops up?

Love your work Modi. Gives me a laugh, but for all people here, just leave out names and offensive stuff. A well done pun, innuendo, etc, with some subtlety is fine. Anything blatant will get bans.
So nothing to substitute the lousy ale?

Have faith, grasshopper. Of course I am forced to sell the stale and watered-down Empire ale or they wouldn't give me a permit to open but.....

We do offer fine wines, made with the best grapes from my personal vineyard. I fertilize with my wolf dung, but don't tell anyone.

Now for the big news. I know you all have been waiting for the darned dwarves to arrive for many months. My contact told me they were on an island, 5 miles off our shoreline.

I had to make the trip out there just to see them for myself and maybe goad them into attacking us. When I dropped anchor, I could see activity on the beach. Little bearded figures were moving this way and that, tending to some contraption that was over a nice fire pit. The smell was something new to me and I was intrigued.

Being a wise man, I brought some gifts for them. Toenail clippers, horse brushes for their beards, and even a set of stilts just for laughs. I was greeted warmly and these little buggers were overly friendly, not warlike as I supposed they were.

"So, what's up dudes? How come you guys haven't come to sack Empire? We heard you were on your way many months ago."

"Empire!!!??? Why would we waste our time with that almost deserted place? We are partying here, away from our nagging wives and girlfriends."

" Dude! I know what you mean!" We all had a good laugh...bwahahahahahaha!

"Soooo, what ya cooking there? Smells strange."

"Ah my lad, this is dwarven moonshine! Try a swig."

So I belted down the clear liquid and it burned like Hell going down but it was really strong. After a couple more shots, I started feeling...nice. You know that is some strong stuff if old Uncle Modi is feeling friendly!

"Mind if I hang out with you guys? I have some Beatles CD's back on the boat."

"BEATLES!!!!! OUR FAVORITE BAND! Let's do some Karaoke."

So we jammed on the beach and got drunk. They even broke out some drums and those dudes can wail!

So, back to the news....I have an exclusive contract with my new small friends to supply my tavern with their dwarven moonshine. All they want in return is any new Beatles CD's that come out. I didn't tell them the Beatles broke up in 1970 !!! Bwahahahaha !

There are three grades of moonshine available at my tavern:

1. Strong 150 gold

2. Stronger 200 gold

3. So Strong Your Toes Will Curl! 300 gold

Uncle Modi's Tavern is NOT responsible for what happens to it's patrons after they leave the establishment. Drink and ride at your own risk.
This sure seems fun :) but how is this gonna happen on a web game :P
Stay thirsty my friends ( you thought I forgot ^^, didn't you?)
I should feed the food to my zombies :)
I should feed the food to my zombies

Food wastage. XD
uncle modi, 2 questions:

*is there a "happy hour"; if so what's the deal?

*will there be a "guys' night"?
I think this new tavern is gonna be out of business soon. >.<
^^ Because blackened dark witch heart taste like pickled shrews toe?
@ZioBlade: When you run a business you have always to confront with lame ducks and limited people who do not like or do not want your business to exist.
But once you are on the market and well known for your quality, even your foes will like your business.

@Uncle Modi:

Can I reserve a table for 8 person in your VIP lounge for Saturday night at 20.00 o&#180;clock? Its gonna be our annual poker night with old friends.

We would like to place our orders for dinner:

1. 4x Blackened Dark Witch heart

2x Diced Rogue tongue on a bed of linguine

and for me and my wolves: Pickled Shrew toes with hot chili peppers please.

2. If drinks are not on the house: only root beer :D ...otherwise 5 bottles of your great red wine from your personal vineyard.

his tavern will end before it starts

love is in the air....dum dum dum...dum dum dum....love is in the air...

I can see it clearly now...
aza how could you... well i guess modi made his magic and once again were young woman's hearth captured. modi gratz i don't know how you turn Azas head or did she just pretend hard to get, anyway most important you did it!!!!!
hid did what
uncle modi, 2 questions:

*is there a "happy hour"; if so what's the deal?

*will there be a "guys' night"?

Gee Dio, I thought you would have realized by now that every hour spent with me is happy hour. Had a little too much dwarven moonshine, eh?

Can I reserve a table for 8 person in your VIP lounge for Saturday night at 20.00 o&#180;clock? Its gonna be our annual poker night with old friends.

Tavern policy for LOS mates is simple, if you walk in and see a table you like, and some outsider is sitting there, just order him and his party to MOVE! If they do not comply, toss them in the street.(make sure to rifle their pockets for gold)

Construction 93% complete.

Stay thirsty my friends
that's a huge throne :D
@ZioBlade: When you run a business you have always to confront with lame ducks and limited people who do not like or do not want your business to exist.
But once you are on the market and well known for your quality, even your foes will like your business.


Well, it is not that I want his business to go down, just that there are so few posts before my old one to keep the atmosphere up. LOL

Construction 93% complete. That means u can't order anything yet. XD
Long live Final Fantasy!!!
what's holding up the throne? i mean we don't need a luxurious bathroom, lol
Well a nice place for me to "TIME PASS" till any one gets catched up in my ambush :)
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