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Uncle Modi's Tavern


AuthorUncle Modi's Tavern
Somehow the reason why his ex-GF's dad and the teacher would go to that extent to "bully" a student does not make sense to me. Or maybe I missed something. Good thing it's just fiction. I hope...
People come back because it's the internet. We can argue, whine, yell, rant at a complete stranger with little to no consequences. We can make up fictional stories that make us better, or at least more interesting, than we really are.

Maybe the people reading this stuff are sad little people needing someone to idolise. Maybe the person writing this is an attention seeker who needs to be idolised here because he can't get that adulation in RL. Maybe all of this is true. Maybe Modi is now an awesome ladies man who had a life changing event in high school.

We will never know as that is the beauty and curse of the internet. We can be as false as we want to and no-one can ever know the truth. We could also be completely truthful and have everyone believe it was made up.
From CreatorOfWidows:
Modi, I feel sad about this situation which has changed your life.

From Kiz:
Good thing it's just fiction.


I see potential comedians in this forum. XD
Since tavern is a place for leisure, I suppose we can chat and share some funny things that u encountered.

I found another interesting thing in the off-topic section.

Taken from "Hit or Miss!!!! (GAME)" thread:

Barbarian-Fishy 's post:

Arguable 36 years of age is beyond boy stage

The next person thinks Liks party thread should be at the top off the off game forum."

Puzzled by Fishy's post, one would normally check out what that mentioned thread is about. Then u find that the creator of mentioned thread (lik's party anouncement thread) is coolahed.

After browsing through the thread, u might want to know who coolahed is. Just when u click his name to view his profile, u see this red message.

"Forum: Player banned by moderator Barbarian-Fishy until 2010-09-30 15:19:37 // Relapse - long string 19 characters in a row is unacceptable"
Maybe the people reading this stuff are sad little people needing someone to idolise.

It's good you have come to grips with your lot in life! :P

Stay thirsty my friends(and stalkers)
People come back because it's the internet.

People come back to this thread because it's the internet? Wow, good answer. Very logical explanation. I bet everyone also reads the dumb flooder threads too because it's the internet? More like, most people never go there because there is nothing interesting to read in that thread. Bwahahahaha yeah, OK chief. Reminds me of another brilliant bit of logic I once heard.."sooner or later, they'd be back." (wink wink)

Stay thirsty my friends
Modi, you shall not sully the awesome and ancient flood thread, which is more than a 100 times bigger than your tavern. lol

Seriously, I don't think it is sad that people need to idolise somebody, as long as they don't do anything silly to themselves or to their idols. I am not afraid to admit that I idolise some people.

For Zioblade: hUh?!?! How am I a comedian?
I am not afraid to admit that I idolise some people.

Wow, Kiz, I don't know what to say! :P

Stay thirsty my friends
Is this thread itself the tavern or is it somewhere else? :S
I don't understand...
Hmm... Maybe I should say funny guys instead of comedians.

>_> Come to think of it, comedians are also counted as funny guys but they did it just for the sake of entertaining people or to earn a living.
why does he say stay thirsty? I'm actually quite hungry!
Is this thread itself the tavern or is it somewhere else? :S
I think it is probable that this is the tavern itself, cos the title of the thread is "Uncle Modi's tavern". :)

why does he say stay thirsty?
He's telling us to stay thirsty so that we would buy more beverages from him. Or he is discouraging us from buying his stuff by asking us to stay thirsty. Whichever it is, I am not sure. :p

I'm actually quite hungry!
*tosses an instant noodle cup* "Just Add Hot Water and Wait 2 Minutes"
why does he say stay thirsty?
It's probably a nod to a commercial about alcohol. In the commercial a supposedly cool ladies man prefers this particular brand of alcohol and his tagline is always Stay thirsty my friends
He knows u are "thirsty" for his little stories. XD
modi is crazy maniacal obsessed with himself and likes to exaggerate what he is
this tavern is place he can do it
tavern should be burned Meaditly
tavern should be burned
I hope Modi has fire insurance. With so much ale in the place it would burn down to the ground.
ire breaks out in the taver people save the homeless break what ever u need to to save them Construction 48% complete
homeless break what ever u need

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