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Author[Mirror] Lords&Heroes. FSP gap.

You are still low level enough to bridge a lot of the FSP gap the higher up .com players have. I am CL 15 and have Faction 9 for wiz--something you will have very soon, and within level 13.

Granted that your win/loss Ratio supports your decent fsp/xp ratios...a lot of people are being punished for being "winners" without an FSP adjustment lol.

Granted that your win/loss Ratio supports your decent fsp/xp ratios...a lot of people are being punished for being "winners" without an FSP adjustment lol.
I leveled up to necro fl 5 just by thieving, which required pages full of defeats in min AP. Had my share as knight too, but it proved easier. And because now, I only CG, and almost quitted hunting / MGing (the easy wins you seem to value). As of now, I have 7 wins and 5 defeats in the tourney, fighting with 1 less fl than opponents at least, plus the many DU around. I don't see what my win ratio has to do here though. I don't understand either why there have to be such a ridiculous gap beetween me and some .ru players; isn't that what this thread is about?

Or let's pick some exemple, since I ain't got anything better to do xD
So, there's that folk:
He's got 1750 exp per fsp.
I've got 2700 exp per fsp.

Assuming he had equivalent exp as I do, I'd have 5250 fsp, while I do have 3400 fsp. Now, please, tell me, how can I make up for those 1800 fsp (which, roughly, is half more than mine)? And considering I were to make up - when will I do it? When I'll be 17??? There were folks with higher fsp in .com, but at the best, it was about a few hundreds, not thousands...

Sure, the gap is greater for you than me, but don't you realise that not only you face it?? Or maybe I shouldn't be surprised to see that people only worry about their own concerns... Here or in RL. Do you expect only cl 15 to receive some free fsp? Or are you the only ones allowed to post here? In which case, you should create a topic dedicated to your very own lvl 15ish concern.
come on slut we are saying the same thing we are just saying that the higher level you are the higher gap
my advise nw is to change faction
check this clan members: http://www.heroeswm.ru/clan_info.php?id=1209
best in this buisness :D

dont get jealous.

1 missing `s` changes the complete sentence.
no offence. but take care of how u spell names^^

I am saying, as sam mentioned, that the higher your level the LESS chance you have at ever "catching up" while "enjoying" the same level of game play prior to the merge.

In my suggestion on how to correct this I asked for an appropriate FSP boost across the board for everyone--regardless of level :)

Anyway, the level 18s from .com are going to hurt for a long time in pvp...maybe "for the rest of their time playing."
Well, we have our combat logs.
And i guess, they hold all the parameters of our combats, right?

Perhaps admins could "recalculate" our TG combats.
Because, if i reckon right, the gap was here mostly because of huge difference in rewards in TG, between .com and .ru.

That way .ru players would not have a reason to complain that .com gets "free fsp".
Everyone would get just what they deserved by their style of play.
Under same conditions.
Well, we have our combat logs.
And i guess, they hold all the parameters of our combats, right?

Perhaps admins could "recalculate" our TG combats.
Because, if i reckon right, the gap was here mostly because of huge difference in rewards in TG, between .com and .ru.

That way .ru players would not have a reason to complain that .com gets "free fsp".
Everyone would get just what they deserved by their style of play.
Under same conditions.

Perhaps admins could "recalculate" our TG combats.
Because, if i reckon right, the gap was here mostly because of huge difference in rewards in TG, between .com and .ru.

TG combats done from II 2012 to I 2013 is main reason why my fsp is weak comparing to other players of my lvl of .ru. Tat ratio of 10k+ exp/fsp was just deadly. Fixing this would be much appreciated.
for Bob_the_Barb:
sorry I didn't mean any offense
The top "x"% of .com should be mirrorered to top "x"% of .ru, and all the way down the curve, top to bottum, everyone gets the instant one time FSP boost they need to enjoy the same level of gameplay before the merger.

Another possible option to consider instead of an fsp boost to mirror those numbers...perhaps a one time xp loss so that eventually--pure math here--as we level up naturally we WILL catch up quite quickly.

Either would be a fair approach in my opinion, or some sort of combination of both. I am just sharing my "rough" idea in case you wish to add to it please pm me...I am taking this matter very personally, myself, because I didn't invest the time+money to be among the best on .com to merge and find myself among the worst/average lol. I just wish to enjoy the same level of competitive game-play on the PvP level that I enjoyed prior to the merge. Don't really care that we missed all the events, gold, etc because you cannot miss what you don't know lol. I do miss my character's position in pvp though, and my entire MC is of the same mindset: Give .com players back their ability to fight!


For those that have missed my proposal (feel free to support, or disagree and suggest something more fair) in the many pages of this thread...please take a moment to evaluate it with a +1 for support if you haven't already, or a modification. We need admins to see we are supporting something like this in big numbers...

+1 to 291
I dont understand one thing.

We have LWM - International Community Council. right?

And their purpose is: " The purpose of the ICC is to assist the Administration and the Community with the improvement of the game (suggestions to improve the gaming experience, balance analysis, bug detection etc) and of the English part of it specifically (local problems, language problems, clans and community management issues and related suggestions)"


Well, can we, players, through LWM, our representatives, get a simple answer on a simple question:

Does the Administration think that our problems are real, or just our imagination?
And if they think there is a problem with fsp gap do they plan to to something about it in the close future?
Simple answer, can we hope to be helped or not?

I dont say they must have a solution right away, just tell us, is there a chance that we will get some compensation for our uneven condition, or not?
Because if there is a plan to help us, we will be much more comfort.
This way, without any announcement of plans for our problems i really think much of the .com will soon stop to play, and find some other game in which they will not have a feeling that we are cheated.

I donated over 200 euros for this game till now, thats a lot of money for a computer game.
Because i belived in this cause.
And i am ready to donate more.
But i have no intention to donate to something that treats me as a second grade player.
And i am absolutely positive that majority of .com population things the same.

So, our dear representatives, if we can not reach admins, you can.
Please give them our concerns and just ask for a simple answer.

Does the .com players have something to hope for, or not?
Answer to 293:

ICC has suggested models that would make the distribution of FSP better. Unfortunately, we get little feedback of what the admins plan to do.

I think we all agree about the goal. Post 291 is a good example.

If anyone makes another model that is more detailed, I would be happy to read it. The one in post 291 is not enough. It should describe step by step how it is calculated and also describe how the FSP should be distributed between the factions. The closer it is to programming language, the better. I think admins are more likely to implement a solution that is both fair and easy for them to do.
Sounds very good. Any equalization mechanism would work for me. Just do something about it.

Well, can we, players, through LWM, our representatives, get a simple answer on a simple question:

Does the Administration think that our problems are real, or just our imagination?
And if they think there is a problem with fsp gap do they plan to to something about it in the close future?
Simple answer, can we hope to be helped or not?
And i am ready to donate more.
But i have no intention to donate to something that treats me as a second grade player.
And i am absolutely positive that majority of .com population things the same.

Simplest solution, not perfect but effortless for Admins and applicable:

Average FSP per level already exists in http://lgnd.ru/stat/average. Admins could easily find .ru (R) and .com (C) average FSP. So for each level if you divide R/C you get a coefficient. Then .com characters get a boost of (FSP)x(1-R/C).

As for the faction distribution, one idea is that it is added to primary faction only. Another would be optional to factions that the character has built enough castle buildings and upgrades. That way it’d be fair towards people who have spent much money in castle buildings in order to raise their faction levels.
Correction: Then .com characters get a boost of (FSP)x(R/C-1).
if you wanna close the fsp gap:

enroll in quick tourney every hour!

And our gold drained very fast too

Why should we do that
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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