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AuthorWizard faction topic
oh thanks jabbar!!

I understand now. I was thinking about it for the past 2 days.
For lvl 5 erudition is definately the right choice, since it makes the overall dmg higher. For lvl 6 sorcery+mana recovery, same reason. For lvl 7 adv erudition is better than sorcery+mana recovery. Lvl 8 would be basic erud+sorcery+mana recovery.
after level 7 you should get intellect :) not adv. erudition.

adv. erudition is quite crap now that cost is increased to 9 for the tree.

comparing adv. erudition with intellect is simple:

adv. erudition will give you 1 more stat point to use compared to basic. Intellect on the other hand is equivalent to 0.5*knowledge you have, which would be at least 2 points of knowledge in the worst case ( you can't really do much with less than 4 knowledge after level 7 ).

So at level 7 erudition - intellect is the way to go.
At level 8 you can add basic sorcery in the mix.

After level 9-10 with increased stats from MG levels and new artifacts you may start considering dumping intellect completely and there are in general a lot more options to explore.
You are right about the fact that intellect gives more points statisticly than adv erud, but don't you think having 90mana may be worse than having 60 with 1 more spell power? I mean 90mana=40from knowledge+20from staff+30from intellect=22magic arrows. I think it is quite impossible to cast that many arrows in a hunt ot mg quest. The fine decision is to use potion of oblivion to turn 2know->2sp and then use intellect=1sp more than adv eru.

Yeah - using oblivion pot is the solution.
You actually need from base stats 3 knowledge - can get the 4th from erudition and have 60 mana with intellect at level 7 without using staff of power. Or when using staff of power - reset erudition to spell power and then you play with 75 mana.

The thing is that having intellect allows you to ditch points from knowledge and put them into spellpower and in this way you end up with same mana and more spellpower :-)
what are the best miniarts for wiz at lvl 5?
Greetings Wizards, I'm a newly evolved one of you :)

So, any main pointers to a brand new freshmen lv10 Wiz? (Who currently has no diamond upgrades, but working towards it)
You must make enchanted gargoyles as soon as possible ( even taking a loan if needed ). Rest upgrades are fairly worthless, golems offer nothing more than a few extra hp and gremlins you should not recruit at all anyway.

In the beginning everything will be very hard without spell damage bonus for hunts and quests, I would suggest you focus on getting fsp by losing ambushes mostly ( and occasionally do also easy MG quests ) for the first couple of levels.
Dear All,

Even though I'm a beginner, but I believe that it depends on how you add your primary parameters (not sure of the points thing). arcanyx has attack + defence and therefore I think it might help him to have better melee units, such as the modern golems.

Anyways, that's how I think.

Good luck arcanyx!

249: he will just use potion of oblivion :-)
Thanks a bunch, now focusing on getting those nasty enchanted gargs (who use to be my worst enemy as Knight - I cant catch 'em). Using Throne battles to get my FSP for now.

Hehe, my option would be as Jabbar said in 250, but I can go melee too. That would just mean a real hard time for me day in day out, since magic is what drives a Wiz.
Also do some Thieving with min AP. You'll lose them all of course, but it will grand you some fsp and caravans will become easier. And better use potion of oblivion when you raise your faction skill, it'll be useless now without the spell bonus.
So, good luck!
Thanks for the tip. Havent got the gold for the potion yet, but will apply it once I do. :)
Hello guys,what's your opinion about the holy magic?
In this tourment, I found rapid very useful,and bless on garg and golem worked well.
I think they are worthy of the mana cost.
(Though the Academy don't really worth the money.)
Bless on gargs and golem is pretty good. Also cast rapid on golems...you cannot slow them down, so we can say that rapid on golem is pernament (of course, depends on SP), besides, many players try to cast delay on hasted golems wasting their turn :-)
Holy magic has good support spells, but for wizards with caster build is almost useless, because wizards units are not realy true "damagers" (especialy with caster build). For might build could be holy magic good, but with little expensive talents. Holy magic is good for knight and elf, who can boost their units and holy knight or elf is very good partner for group battles. But wizard with holy magic talents (especialy with caster build) is really much less efective in group battles.

For me is wizard caster faction, so chaos spells >>> holy spells. We will see what happens, if we will get lvl 4 spells. They look very good and i think (and hope), that it will be "end" of might build domination in pvp and "fresh wind" for group battles (it will opens more tactics).
Rapid is the spell that you will usually get to cast from holy ones.

Helps a lot to cast it on gargs before you start running away from monsters and also can help when doing some hunt with assistance to buff creatures like shrews with it.

Rest of the spells are in general rather weak without talents and as Valgard said - talents on holy magic are rather expensive to have them.

As for when level 4 spells come into play - i really doubt that there will be room for holy magic talents on wizards with advanced chaos magic being a vital talent to have at high levels.
255: Bless on gargs is almost useless. How many times you need gargs as damage dealers ? Most of times are gargs out of danger, because wizards need them alive. Their attack is really low. Maybe with talented chastise and might build could do something.

Golems are useless, with or without rapid. With max rapid they are still slow and their low speed and not very high number make them not very good for any serious participation on battlefield. They are only good as "meat shield", until wizard casts spells.
Dear All,

Actually, I have seen a wizard player who actually played as unit attacking kind of wizard. It was a 3v3 match where he had nature and holy magic (I remember it was advanced or expert) and so he did not need spell power as much and had some knowledge. It is kind of hard to example but he was really cool.

Here is an example of a wizard with no spell power, but not the one i'm talking about above : https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=485822082

EVEN THOUGH i have to say, it was a very unfair game. But, it was really cool looking at that wizard


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