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AuthorJokes !!!

Grandma and Grandpa were watching a healing service On TV.
The Evangelist(Show Anchor) called to all who wanted to be
healed to go To their TV set, place one hand on the TV and the
other hand on The body part where they wanted to be healed.
Grandma got up and Slowly hobbled to the TV, placed her right hand on
the set and her Left Hand on her arthritic shoulder that was causing her
great pain.
Then Grandpa (Oom Dawie) got up, went to the TV and
placed his Right hand on the set and his left hand on his private part.
Grandma scowled at him and said, "I guess you just don't get it, do you??!!
The purpose of doing this is to heal the sick, "NOT To raise the dead"!!!!*
[Post deleted by moderator Lord SV22 // By own request]
oops, forgot the long string, someone delete the above post.

A guy is complaining :
"I can't take it anymore with all these stereotypes. If you don't like football, they call you gay !! If you are a hairdresser, they call you gay !!! If you like dancing, they call you gay !! If you are dating jack, they call you gay !

Triple post ftw
A network admin is in a 1 week vacation and he receives a call from his boss:
-Hey, sorry for calling you on your week off, but I have a big problem and I need to know your computer password.
-I'm tired of you all, leave me away.
Lowercase and without spaces :).
An absolutely Brilliant Joke, ENJOY!!!

A Woman was out golfing one day when she hit the ball into the woods. She went into the woods to look for it and found a frog in a trap. The frog said to her, "If you release me from this trap, I will grant you three wishes." The woman freed the frog, and the frog said, "Thank you, but I failed to mention that there was a condition to your wishes.

Whatever you wish for, your husband will get times ten!" The woman said, "That's okay." For her first wish, she wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the world. The frog warned her, "You do realize that this wish will also make your husband the most handsome man in the world, an Adonis whom women will flock to". The woman replied,

"That's okay, because I will be the most beautiful Woman and he will have eyes only for me." So, KAZAM-she's the most beautiful Woman in the world! For her second wish, she wanted to be the richest woman in the world. The frog said, "That will make your husband the richest man in the world. And he will be ten times richer than you. " The woman said, "That's okay, because what's mine is his and what's his is mine." So, KAZAM-she's the richest woman in the world! The frog then inquired about her third wish, and she answered, "I'd like a mild heart attack."

Moral of the story: Women are clever. Don't mess with them.

Attention female readers: This is the end of the joke for you. Stop here and continue feeling good.

Male readers: Please scroll down.

The man had a heart attack ten times milder than his wife!!!

Moral of the story: Women are really dumb but think they're really smart.

Let them continue to think that way and just enjoy the show

PS: If you are a woman and are still reading this; it only goes to show that women never listen!!!
For fun only
Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2015-02-21 21:18:12 // FR#4.2.1//Abuse of capitalization, redundant letters, words or symbols in headers and messages are forbidden. (warning)
[Post deleted by moderator Lord STB // Off-Topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Lord STB // Off-Topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Lord STB // Off-Topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Lord STB // Off-Topic]
On the one hand, I just received a Tiger Claw and Moonstone for a gog raid.
On the other hand, I lost 3k on roulette. I bet on 4,5,7,8 and the ball fell on 3 :'(
I bet on 4,5,7,8 and the ball fell on 3 :'(

It should have fallen on 6 :P
Some sentences give a good picture, while some give a bad one, for example,
He came into the room like a centipede missing 98 legs.
Do You Know:
Roulette is a quick way to get rich.
It is if you own the Casino!
[Post deleted by moderator Lord SV22 // Off-Topic]
[Post deleted by moderator Lord SV22 // Off-Topic]
Boy: *calls 911* Hello? I need your help!
911: Alright, What is it?
Boy: Two girls are fighting over me!
911: So what's your emergency?
Boy: The ugly one is winning.

Boy: The principal is so dumb!
Girl: Do you know who I am?
Boy: No...
Girl: I am the principal's daughter!
Boy: Do you know who I am?
Girl: No...
Boy: Good! *walks away*

Don't let the thread die mates!!
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