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Ideas and suggestions


Topic Date
Author Last message
Expand the set list for artifacts06.23, 20:564#9595bp9906.25, 09:19, by rikudosennin
Partial repair06.15, 15:326#846Elden Lord06.19, 13:07, by #9595merlin36
little simplification for smiths04.23, 18:512#7490Hephaistion04.30, 12:16, by #4201Calamity
Show AP on Event Page04.05, 20:539diversecity04.20, 21:19, by King_Luigi
Confirmation message before joining card tournament.04.04, 13:343Sheoldred04.05, 16:58, by techy
Anti days03.17, 17:342Bunnie03.17, 19:16, by rikudosennin
pharaoh redesign02.25, 14:376yoinkisis03.15, 08:24, by King_Luigi
Empire stop taking our hard worked smithing and payed money03.10, 14:1921#4201Calamity03.15, 08:19, by King_Luigi
Adventure Guild ideas02.26, 09:323#846Elden Lord03.08, 16:00, by #7490Eddreine_RinLi
LeG creatures Drop log03.06, 11:008#1209barbmaster03.07, 07:44, by #7490Neon10
roulette02.26, 19:473Arou02.26, 21:12, by #1209Another Player
Add an elo system to CGs02.10, 22:3811#1209Another Player02.25, 01:12, by #1597Issy404
Lvl 10 and lvl 11 smith02.05, 15:006#7705Elrond02.21, 17:17, by #9595Acean
more options to inventory02.08, 09:413#846Elden Lord02.08, 10:21, by #846Elden Lord
Higher durability non-transferrable items made from >100 parts02.05, 14:571#7705Elrond02.05, 14:57, by #7705Elrond
Allow different factions to fight failed WG battles02.01, 23:471#9595bp9902.01, 23:47, by #9595bp99
remove eofo from commander guild01.15, 10:528Bayraktar-TB202.01, 23:43, by #9595bp99
Revamp old sets01.09, 09:189King_Luigi01.11, 04:23, by #7705Murali
mercenaries guild and enroll timers :D01.07, 19:173#7705JustTunaaaa01.08, 22:35, by Garley
No more enroll codes12.30, 14:128#4201Calamity01.07, 05:56, by rikudosennin
Offer magical auto buns in artifact shop09.11, 14:4915#1597Torbalan12.31, 10:49, by #1597Torbalan
Christmas Vault12.14, 14:1410#1597Torbalan12.26, 22:52, by #7490Neon10
Siege Weapons-Events12.01, 17:309Rorthgar12.09, 16:59, by #9595Acean
remove mixed battles or/ add 4x all alone12.01, 17:005#1597Issy40412.05, 14:47, by #9595merlin36
Remove paired pirates from the event rotation11.23, 03:4820#1209Another Player12.01, 16:55, by #1597Issy404
Add a preview option for AI event enemies (when players face the same ones)11.14, 01:159#1209Another Player11.25, 03:19, by Rorthgar
5s card game and timer for opponent11.17, 12:183#928kchong11.17, 16:00, by #9595Acean
Event Mechanic: Courage11.05, 12:3013ProZyk11.07, 20:24, by #1597Sage Jiraiya
Queuing in Blacksmith07.07, 07:4811Ashborn10.31, 05:51, by #9595Lord D1vh4_13L06
Introduce more PvP in game10.25, 11:4911Rengar10.30, 03:41, by #1209Another Player

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