Forums-->Ideas and suggestions 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|>
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replace junky arts drops in events by gold drops | 07.03, 06:15 | 13 |  bp99 | 07.07, 16:48, by  merlin36 | shared inventory between your castles | 04.17, 21:32 | 13 | Lord arian_lazer | 07.07, 16:11, by  AzagToth | More enchantment options for jewels | 06.23, 19:54 | 7 |  bp99 | 06.29, 13:55, by  merlin36 | Add preset for multiple armies in leaders guild | 05.23, 11:06 | 3 |  BobEsponja | 06.23, 05:57, by Ashborn | Allow the sale of small numbers of artifact parts | 06.09, 23:32 | 8 |  bp99 | 06.15, 01:24, by  virtual_vitrea | Warning before joining Ranger's guild if already in Thieve guild | 05.26, 12:04 | 2 | PapaBone | 05.26, 14:23, by  Neon10 | New monsters | 12.29, 14:46 | 10 |  Modi | 05.03, 07:48, by  FearMyArmy | Return to LeG Page after LeG Battle | 03.29, 20:43 | 3 | diversecity | 03.29, 21:21, by diversecity | Imperial, Dark, magma and Heaven arts not take up inventory space | 03.28, 18:03 | 7 |  barbmaster | 03.29, 11:55, by  merlin36 | Option to tag players on forums | 03.21, 02:28 | 6 |  Jassi | 03.27, 06:53, by  discount | Bots in CG | 03.23, 17:34 | 22 |  PlayboT | 03.26, 01:42, by Blindspot | Blacklist players from CG team | 03.08, 11:28 | 18 | Blindspot | 03.17, 04:57, by  Jassi | Forced return after repair | 01.15, 16:38 | 15 |  AzagToth | 03.07, 10:14, by Dark-Ninja_lord | order elixir of restoration | 02.24, 23:55 | 2 |  bp99 | 02.26, 19:43, by  labangiul5 | ATB turn indicator | 02.12, 21:17 | 4 | techy | 02.13, 13:13, by  Acean | CG potion | 11.04, 18:23 | 27 |  Another Player | 02.11, 16:44, by krovak | #Make LWM GreatAgain ! ^_^ | 01.12, 05:29 | 104 |  Усмешка | 01.25, 03:04, by  Усмешка | Another reform of CG -idea | 01.14, 20:06 | 28 |  mellor | 01.16, 17:10, by Dark-Ninja_lord | Market - filter items to character level | 05.16, 19:16 | 9 | Xentara | 01.10, 22:28, by OptimusKnight | Inverse items of Faction Talisman | 01.09, 17:15 | 5 |  AzagToth | 01.10, 13:42, by  Botmun | New items for Chest of abundance | 01.04, 08:42 | 5 | Trafalgar D Law | 01.05, 08:26, by  Neon10 | Remove shop artifacts from event rewards | 12.13, 10:57 | 28 |  lord fallen | 12.23, 12:59, by  lord fallen | Introducing Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in the game | 12.13, 09:35 | 7 | Lord evil_devil | 12.13, 12:27, by  Happy_orc | Vote for forfeit or surrender. | 11.29, 00:04 | 16 | SHadyReaper | 12.05, 07:12, by  rohanarora | Mobile iOS app version of this game? | 11.24, 08:54 | 7 | mega0impact | 11.27, 19:55, by Murali | Option to disable matching versus bots in CG | 10.03, 03:32 | 25 |  virtual_vitrea | 10.14, 11:29, by  lord fallen | Event Hero troops should have visible upgrade stats | 10.06, 12:20 | 3 |  Mercenary Exile | 10.08, 18:27, by  latviesu lords | Special days for thieves/rangers, blacksmiths, and enchanters | 08.15, 07:44 | 11 |  bp99 | 10.06, 00:31, by  Another Player | show arts information in battle replays | 10.04, 23:36 | 3 |  bp99 | 10.05, 20:46, by  AzagToth | remove auto in cg | 10.01, 00:25 | 7 |  slayerofall | 10.02, 21:40, by Murali |