Forums-->Ideas and suggestions <|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|>
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HoMM VIII troops | 02.07, 10:44 | 5 | FearMyArmy | 02.12, 03:12, by virtual_vitrea | Notification for enrolling. | 01.20, 04:52 | 13 | Trafalgar D Law | 02.09, 07:13, by ProZyk | Store Elements in Clan Depo | 01.24, 22:56 | 22 | Leander | 02.02, 04:15, by kchong | auto buy resources option when buying an artifact from the artifact shop | 01.19, 00:47 | 7 | Soul88 | 01.20, 00:43, by Edwin | Option to watch enemy set-up without starting the battle (during events) | 01.15, 19:39 | 7 | Majblomma | 01.18, 20:39, by DetherocEvil | Automatic parameters adjust | 01.17, 10:31 | 4 | Niranjan | 01.18, 20:26, by rohanarora | Backpack into Artifact Shop | 01.17, 17:51 | 3 | AzagToth | 01.17, 21:19, by merlin36 | Creature drop warning | 01.17, 10:57 | 3 | Niranjan | 01.17, 11:18, by Niranjan | Adding a "Sell it" option in Inventory | 01.17, 10:24 | 1 | Niranjan | 01.17, 10:24, by Niranjan | Make CG an exclusive guild only for top players | 11.02, 19:42 | 41 | kchong | 01.14, 21:41, by bobsrevenge999 | Magic guild LvL 3 / 4 for Elf Charmer | 01.10, 17:57 | 5 | Sakimidareru | 01.13, 16:10, by Meshy | AP in Duels and Group Battles | 01.11, 05:19 | 6 | Ur_end_is_here II | 01.11, 19:38, by Acean | Show Gold Reward on the Battles Page for Hunt Assists | 11.05, 11:29 | 12 | Purgatory | 01.09, 13:32, by pumpainais | Save the tree | 01.03, 18:10 | 3 | AzagToth | 01.03, 20:01, by Acean | Fix .com descriptions regarding diamond offers | 11.27, 21:41 | 10 | Sylin | 12.27, 11:37, by Sylin | Changes required to potion of skills | 12.20, 12:59 | 10 | Jassi | 12.27, 03:53, by virtual_vitrea | Unlock additional upgrades for tiers progressively from level 20 | 12.21, 00:36 | 5 | virtual_vitrea | 12.22, 10:20, by Botmun | Modification to the Survilurg defence | 12.19, 19:22 | 2 | Void_Moon | 12.19, 21:25, by labangiul5 | Dont you think forum needs edit post option? | 12.17, 17:56 | 3 | BobEsponja | 12.18, 01:21, by Warlock naviron | Creature armament achievements | 12.12, 14:58 | 4 | beelzebub12 | 12.14, 05:58, by Void_Moon | Avoid rewarding the same armament more than once in a battle | 12.11, 00:24 | 3 | Another Player | 12.11, 17:27, by kchong | Make CG not average level but average XP | 12.04, 13:50 | 33 | kchong | 12.08, 20:20, by Skoczek | Filters in Depository log | 11.15, 12:13 | 11 | barbmaster | 11.27, 15:41, by cool_knight | Inventory | 11.24, 03:29 | 5 | Lord D1vh4_13L06 | 11.25, 07:07, by King_Luigi | Blacksmith | 11.15, 18:04 | 1 | grif | 11.15, 18:04, by grif | Shares filter | 07.20, 12:54 | 5 | AzagToth | 11.14, 15:18, by AzagToth | Enabling sale of products from machining facilities | 11.10, 17:32 | 3 | Elrond | 11.11, 14:50, by rohanarora | Enable Power of Attorney for votings in facility management | 11.04, 00:22 | 9 | Elrond | 11.10, 11:02, by Nowar | Have a "Mark all/selected as read" option at private message | 10.25, 20:30 | 9 | bp99 | 11.01, 12:25, by Lord photonics | Give gold for posting in forums | 10.26, 18:52 | 12 | kchong | 10.26, 21:54, by Meshy |