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Topic Date
Author Last message
Funny win.08.16, 13:4812DarknessDoom09.05, 00:54, by Lord Wounded
TALES OF THE 7 EMPIRE06.27, 14:2715#7279sa32108.23, 14:23, by zuluyamandi
Final Tier Creatures06.09, 16:3923Lord Io-AKA-oI08.22, 16:53, by zuluyamandi
ninja(another account of thomasjeon)08.14, 02:066tom200008.18, 09:38, by Lord elfiys
Ninja Faction 2.707.11, 18:017doominator08.17, 21:39, by doominator
Lordswm.org Treasury07.17, 21:3226LITWIN08.13, 07:20, by #7279Yinx
BARB talents08.05, 06:2810thomasjeon08.09, 11:12, by Skarbonke
new faction: ninja (didn't copy from anyone)07.27, 06:4324thomasjeon08.01, 06:21, by thomasjeon
Random new soldiers07.18, 20:4612XD-Owner07.30, 17:46, by Mr-Owner
New Faction v407.20, 15:2614Dev-Sharma07.27, 10:20, by devilbronze1
New Faction06.22, 08:1225Imperial-Wizard07.26, 10:18, by Penguinmaniac
song07.21, 14:151K-Naan07.21, 14:15, by K-Naan
new fation: dyzants07.19, 03:125thomasjeon07.19, 05:19, by thomasjeon
New Faction 307.18, 03:207Dev-Sharma07.19, 02:22, by thomasjeon
Animated Avatars by Hell_Barbarian just for a low prics07.18, 12:442Hell_Barbarian07.18, 12:45, by Queen-of-Wizard
THE TRAVELER07.15, 01:158lightning_storm07.15, 05:44, by lightning_storm
Ninja Faction 2.506.05, 19:5014doominator07.11, 06:43, by Lord killer2012
New Guilds, Classes, and Hunts.04.11, 05:4873Lord Rendingblade07.10, 03:48, by Lord Rendingblade
the song for all Roulett victims06.25, 23:549Lord Sleipnir07.01, 21:41, by agent_004
Tier 8 and more06.08, 14:3620Lord Jiang_Wei06.29, 14:46, by #4201SwitchBlad3
Massive Hydra06.23, 22:0012DarknessDoom06.24, 07:31, by ipod33
new weapons factions spells here post06.14, 15:489palkiax_206.22, 22:31, by Zarebrant
DE Guide05.01, 23:5637#7181Lord MasterTI06.21, 05:47, by #7181Lord MasterTI
fiercer creature05.27, 07:592Lord andrew201206.12, 05:30, by dect
upgrade the germlins02.24, 06:4641dect06.12, 04:58, by dect
Wind chime05.30, 07:535Spazzatron06.05, 13:44, by masterz_rulez
New Faction06.03, 09:3526Imperial-Wizard06.04, 12:40, by Imperial-Wizard
Poem On New Classes I Made04.17, 01:1816Lord Rendingblade06.03, 12:43, by Lord ZenoMX
all players are free to play05.28, 07:2412Lord andrew201206.02, 03:47, by nahdont
avatars and webpages05.27, 09:061jpravin05.27, 09:06, by jpravin

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